Chapter Seven

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Chapter 7

Giselle parked her truck in the driveway, not bothering to go into the garage. She wanted the best way to get to the kitchen, because her stomach was kicking her in her back. The office catered Chick-Fil-A just didn't seem too appealing to her. On any normal day, she would've had her own little feast in her office, but this Saturday, she wanted better. Today's news wasn't as exciting as she wanted it to be. Of course, telling the same stories over and over would grow tired, but Giselle needed some type of excitement.

Making sure to grab all of her things, she exited the truck and immediately went to let herself inside of her home. The quietness alerted her, and let her know that no one was home. She could always tell when someone was in her house. There was always some type of noise in her house. Whether it was Ethan running amok or Ryan listening to old school rap music, Giselle always knew. Before deciding to call Ryan to see why they weren't home, Giselle went into the kitchen, hoping Ryan hadn't eaten her leftovers from last night dinner of lasagna.

Before she could even open the refrigerator, she was met with a note from Ryan saying that they'd gone for male time. Giselle chuckled, knowing that male time meant that Ethan had sucked him into going to the zoo. Ever since Bey took him for the first time, he'd always ask to go. The end of the note also let her know that Ryan did, in fact, eat her leftovers.

Giselle pulled out her iPhone and scrolled to Regina's name and pressed the call button. She answered on the third ring. "Yeah?"

"Let's go to lunch," Giselle requested without the formalities.

Regina laughed softly. "You must be lonely."

"My babies aren't here, and one of them ate my food."

"What food?"

"Leftover lasagna," Giselle answered whilst maneuvering through her home.

Regina playfully gasped. "Fine. I'm getting dressed now. Where are we going?"

"Drago," Giselle finally answered. The ladies agreed and hung up. Drago Centro was one of Giselle's favorite places to go to talk business and normal life. It had great food and customer service. The atmosphere was just different for her, and she loved it. A place like Drago wasn't one that you showed up in jeans in, though.

"You got here quick," Regina commented as she held the door open for Giselle to enter. She moved her sunglasses to her hair and followed behind Giselle.

"Traffic wasn't too bad for me. You look cute, though." Regina wore her signature look. She loved her blazer and pants combos. It was something she could do every season.

Regina smirked and sat across from Giselle. "So do you. How've you been? We haven't had a chance to sit down and not talk about work in so long."

Giselle groaned. "Right? I feel like it's all work for us. Whether I'm at work or coming home to being a wife and a mother, it's exhausting."

"But you signed up for that," Regina reminded her. "All I have to do is go home and be a wife."

Giselle chuckled. "Lucky."

"Not so," Regina replied. "I'm ready to start in vitro." Regina has been for about three years now, and she'd been trying to have a child with her man while she was engaged. There were so many complications with conceiving, that it placed a strain on their relationship for a while. It got so bad once that Regina was staying with Giselle to get out of her house.

Giselle's mouth flew open with excitement. "Are you serious?"

Regina beamed happily. "Yes. He and I had a long talk about it, and I'm ready to do it. If this doesn't work..."

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