8 - Garlic Bread & Opportunities

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Be Alright - Ariana Grande
In slow motion
Can't seem to get where we're going
But the hard times are golden
'Cause they all lead to better days


I stirred the pasta on the stove as the timer went off for the oven. I slipped on a pair of oven mitts and reached into the oven, pulling out a tray of homemade garlic bread.

"Cute outfit." Ashton laughed as he leaned against the doorway. I looked down and frowned, I had covered my white, lace dress with an oversized 5 Seconds of Summer tour t-shirt making it look like I wasn't wearing pants.

"Funny." I rolled my eyes as I pulled open the fridge. Ashton left the spot where he was standing and wrapped his arms around me from behind.

"You know," his voice was low in my ear, "our guests will be here any second."

I grabbed three bottles of salad dressing from a shelf.

"You know I spill things on myself when I cook, I totally spilled sauce on the 'um' in summer." I said as I looked down at my chest to where I'd spilled the food.

"I am aware of that actually." He laughed as he pressed his warm lips to my neck. I leaned back into him so that my head was resting on his chest.

This was the first conversation we'd had since the run in with Tanner and it felt nice to talk to him again.

I missed him but I felt like I was drowning.

No matter what I did, I felt like I my airway was closing and couldn't breathe.

"I love you Jordyn." He whispered as kissed my head.

I didn't get to respond back because the doorbell rang. Ashton pulled away from me and began to walk to the front door.

"I got it!" My mom yelled as she clunked by in red heels, nearly knocking Ashton over.

"Hi Mrs. Ellis!" The over-enthusiastic voice of my best friend Evelyn greeted my mom. My mother greeted her as I placed the salad dressings on the counter next to the salad bowl.

"Hello to the second sexiest man I know!" Evelyn gushed as she wrapped her arms around Ashton.

I cocked an eyebrow as I popped an olive in my mouth.

"The second? Who's the first?" I questioned as I chewed. Evelyn pulled away from Ashton as her face turned red all over.

"Yeah, what the hell?" Ashton laughed as he threw his arms up.

"Well," She began before she was rudely interrupted by my father.

"I am the first. I am the sexiest man in the world, didn't you know that Jor?" My dad informed all of us as he grabbed a cherry tomato from the salad bowl.

"Gross dad." I cringed as I slapped his hands away from my salad.

"He's not wrong." Ashton shrugged. Evelyn nodded along, probably because my dad just saved her butt before she could confess her undying love for Luke Hemmings.

"He's the definitely the sexiest." My mom smiled, causing Ashton and Eves to shudder slightly.

"Don't boost his already inflated ego mom!" I yelled as I covered my ears. Both of my parents laughed at me as my mom reached for my car keys.

"We're going to take your car Jordyn, if you need to go anywhere take your dad's car." She informed me as she hugged me.

"I love you, be safe."

Forever and Always // Ashton Irwin (#Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now