21 - Staring Down the Barrel of a Loaded Gun

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Come Wake Me Up – Rascal Flatts

Tonight your memory burns like a fire

With every one it grows higher and higher

And I can't get over it, I just can't put out this love

I just sit in these flames and pray that you'll come back

Close my eyes tightly, hold on and hope that I'm dreaming

Come wake me up

WARNING: This chapter is VERY dark.


I gave Rosa a small wave as the door clunked shut behind me. I was at Rosa's office for nearly three hours.

It was nearing 11 p.m. as I twirled the keys to Jordyn and I's house around my fingers. The cool night air swept across my face. It smelled of rain.

Thunder cracked in the sky as I finally made it to Jordyn's car. I pressed Evelyn's speed dial in my phone for the fourth time tonight.

As it rang I pulled the car keys out of my pocket. They fell to the ground with a jingle as Evelyn answered.

Evelyn's voice sounded frantic and muffled. "Ashton?"

"Evelyn, what's wrong?" I felt my heartbeat rise up into my chest as I bent over to grab the keys.

Evelyn was crying. "I was just going to call you. Ashton, you need to get to the hospital."

I stood up so fast that I banged the back up my head into the mirror.

"Ow, fuck!" I mumbled. I ignored the throbbing pain in my head as I unlocked the car and slid into the driver's seat. "Evelyn, I'll be there in fifteen minutes."

Evelyn's voice cracked. "Okay, Ashton."

"Evelyn, I'm not sure my heart can take this." My voice was pained as tears streamed down my cheeks. The tears matched the rain that had begun to fall outside the car.

Evelyn's voice was now clear as she spoke. "Ashton, what? No, Jordyn is waking up."


I nearly fell out of the car after I opened the door. It was pouring outside and I had parked over a puddle. My shoes, socks, and ankles were now soaking wet.

I didn't even bother to lock the car I just ran through the parking lot as fast as I could.

I never thought this would happen.

Jordyn was waking up.

After two and a half minutes of pure sprinting, I had finally reached the back door to the hospital.

My hand went to close around the handle when an all too familiar voice stopped me cold in my tracks.

"Ashton fucking Irwin," Tanner slurred.

"I'm going to kill you." I growled.

"Lemme just say a few things fiiiiiiiiiiiirst." He then hiccupped.

I don't know why I did, but I stayed where I stood, silent.

"This, this madness is all your fault-"

"Ex-" I lunged at him and he put his hand out.


Once again, I stopped and I listened. I didn't really know why I did.

"Year 10, you were my best friend, the only person I trusted. You promised you wouldn't tell about me doing drugs, you lied. YOU FUCKING TOLD MY FATHER, MY FUCKING ABUSIVE FATHER."

I stayed silent.

I only told his father because I wanted him to get help. I didn't know his dad was abusive, I just thought they didn't get along.

My mouth opened to speak and Tanner didn't stop me.

"And you thought running my fiancé over in a stolen car was the way to get back me? I told him because I cared about you, I wanted to help you." My voice sounded calm, I'm not sure why, I was furious.

Tanner tipped back his head and laughed.

"That's just it, Ashton. Everyone thinks you're a saint, they always will. Tell me something though. What do your friends and family think about you doing drugs?" Tanner smirked. "Oh, wait. They don't know, do they?"

Year 9 I experimented with drugs. It was mostly just weed and some of my mom's painkillers. I did acid once and suffered from a bad trip, it was the worst moment of my life and I've been clean ever since.

"I shouldn't have even done them in the first place! At least I knew when to stop. You just kept digging yourself deeper into a hole." I spit.

Tanner and I were only about six feet from each other, enough for me to lunge at him and kick his ass but Tanner seemed oddly calm and it gave me an unsettling feeling.

"The cops are looking for me."

"That's what happens when you try to kill someone."

A tear rolled down his cheek, I'd never seen him cry before. I almost felt bad for him. Key word, almost.

"I DIDN'T MEAN TO HIT JORDYN!" he exploded. I took a step back, I was frightened by his outburst. "I HATE THAT YOU RUINED MY LIFE AND YOU DIDN'T EVEN CARE. YOU'RE RICH AND SUCCESSFUL AND MY LIFE IS HELL." Tanner took a breath and spit before he yelled again. "I MEANT TO HIT YOU."

I stood before him speechless. I opened my mouth to say something but my mind couldn't come up with coherent sentences.

"I didn't think the crazy bitch would push you out of the way though," he mumbled. He said it just loud enough for me to hear it.

I lunged at him.

I stopped short as Tanner pulled a handgun out of his coat pocket. He aimed it at me.

My eyes widened in fear as I put my hands up in surrender.

"The funny thing is, Jordyn is waking up and you're going to live happily ever after and I'm going to prison for the rest of my life." He paused and scratched his nose. He was crying hard now, his lips were trembling. "If I'm going to prison for the rest of my life then I'm going to get what I want."

"Tanner, what is it that you want? I can help you get there." I pleaded. I'd never thought I'd be staring down a barrel of a gun, but here I was.

"I want you dead," he seethed. I could see evil in his eyes.

"Tanner, I-"

I never got to finish my sentence because the gun went off.

Author's Note: 

I could NEVER kill Jordyn off, I hope you guys know that. Now you know that SHE'S GOING TO MAKE IT.

And then the rest of the chapter... Well, you'll find out soon!

I actually combined two chapters together so there will be 24 chapters + and epilogue!



P.S. I entered this in the Watty's LOL. I have no expectations of winning, I just did it because I felt like it. :)

Forever and Always // Ashton Irwin (#Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now