11 - All We Seem to Do is Wait

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I'm Sorry - The Maine
Yeah I'm messed up again
Thinking about the times
I was lost and you let me in
And I'm only human, both you and
I know the way this will end           


"Ashton Irwin?"

My eyes wandered up from my phone to the person that the voice belonged to.

Alex Dawson.

He was Jordyn's first, and ex- boyfriend. He was a piece of trash. Alex was an alcoholic and abusive.

He beat the crap out of Jordyn, and even me, back when they were in high school.

"What the hell do you want?" I growled as I slowly stood up. The other people that were in the room all looked in Alex's direction.

"Jordyn- I- what happened? They said it was a hit and run." He acted like he was in disbelief and scratched the back of his head with his hand. I stood there with my hands clenched at my sides. I was so frustrated, how dare he come in here and ask about my fiancé and her accident.

Except, how did he know that she was a hit and run victim?

I looked at his clothing and it all suddenly made sense. My body tensed and I lunged at him, pressing him against the wall, my hand around his throat.

"You're a fucking nurse?" My voice was low and pained. Alex's eyes were wide with fear. I felt hands on my back trying to pull me away from him, it must have been the other men in the waiting room.

"I'm still in school, I'm a student nurse right now," He choked the words out, his hands were around mine trying to pull them away.

"Come on man!" One guy said gruffly said into my ear as him and the other man managed to pull me away from him. Alex clutched his throat and breathed in and out heavily.

"Is this some sort of a fucking, twisted joke?" The two men had their arms restraining me so I couldn't get near Alex.

Alex opened his mouth to speak but no words came out.

I felt like I was going to pass out.

"Ashton," Alex started to walk closer to me, his hand out.

"Don't fucking move."

"I was one of the nurses assigned to her but I decided to remove myself because I know her and I knew you wouldn't be comfortable." He spoke slow and calm.

I was so angered by this statement.

"So you finally have a chance to help Jordyn but you push it away like a fucking coward?"

Alex looked speechless.

"Let go of me, I have no interest in hurting this piece of trash." I said to the two men who were still holding me back. They reluctantly let go of me and I approached Alex.

"I called you a son of bitch four years ago and I'm calling you one now. Don't ever talk to me or Jordyn," I stopped after I said her name, I sounded foolish, no one knew if she was going to live, but I continued on, "ever again, you son of a bitch."

I shoved past him and left the waiting room, my head felt like it was going to explode.

Every time a doctor would come through the large double doors, Johnathan, Elizabeth, and I would stand up.

Every time, it was for nothing.

Jordyn was still in surgery; it had been almost three hours. I'd talked to the police an hour ago.

It was nearly two in the morning.

"I'm so sorry it took so long to get here." Evelyn's shaky voice brought all three of us out of our thoughts.

She had a bag over her shoulder which she dropped on the ground as soon as she reached Johnathan and Elizabeth. Luke followed behind her and immediately made his way to me.

I stood up and we hugged.

"Have you heard anything yet?" Luke asked, his eyes were red like he had been crying.

I shook my head.

"Adrienne, Michael, and Calum are back at your house and they're going to take care of things for you guys. They'll come in a couple of hours." Evelyn told Johnathan and Elizabeth.

Elizabeth was crying again and held on to Eves.

"Thank you." She said.

"It took us a while to get into the hospital, we had to search for the back entrance. There are packs of news reporters-" Luke stopped what he was saying as we all turned our attention to the television in the corner.

"Breaking news from Hollywood on this early May morning, 5 Seconds of Summer's Ashton Irwin and his fiancé were involved in a hit and run accident. Ashton is reported to be unharmed but Jordyn Ellis, his fiancé was reportedly hit by an oncoming car. We are not aware of her current status at this time. We have reached out to his management for further comments but have not received any at this time. Our thoughts go out to Ashton and Jordyn's families and friends. We will bring you any further updates we receive." The blonde woman from TMZ smiled before the program went on commercial break.

"No fucking comment." I huffed as I sat back down in the uncomfortable waiting room chairs.

"How would they know already?" Evelyn asked as tears fell from her eyes.

"They're animals." Luke said under his breath.

Luke and Evelyn sat down next to me as I rubbed my temples.

"The front entrance is swarmed with new reporters and paparazzi." Luke said quietly.


My eyes caught glimpse of white shoes entering the room. My body shot out of the chair, so did everyone else's.

"Are you Jordyn's family?" A surgeon asked.

"Yes." Johnathan answered, he was getting choked up again.

"She's out of surgery."

Author's Note:
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! Here's to a great & wonderful 2017!

My goal this year is to finish this story, Valedictorian, Gone, & Colors. I'm so behind on all my other stories and I'm so ashamed of myself.

What are some of your favorite 5SOS fanfics bc I wanna read some more this year! I think I only read one last year lol. So please comment & let me know!

I love you guys & hope you're having a great start to 2017! If you need me or just wanna talk send me a PM or DM idek what it's referred to as on here lol.

Next update is Sunday!


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