12 - Blame

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All of the Stars - Ed Sheeran
So open your eyes and see
The way our horizons meet
And all of the lights will lead
Into the night with me
And I know these scars will bleed
But both of our hearts believe
All of these stars will guide us home


Breathing was something I did every single day. It was something I took for granted.

There were a lot of things that I noticed I took for granted.

Breathing, walking, talking, and Jordyn.

My eyes focused on my fiancé who was lying in a hospital bed. There was a tube down her throat that was connected to a machine that breathed for her because her lungs weren't able to breathe on their own.

Her eyelids were swollen; the right side of her face was purple and black with a large cut that was now stitched up, right above her eyebrow.

Her beautiful brown hair now looked dull as it cascaded down her chest, covering up the neck brace she was placed in.

Jordyn's right leg was in a cast all the way up her thigh and it was being elevated by some device that hung her bed.

My hands wrapped around her left hand. My fingers played with her engagement ring.

"Ashton!" She gasped. I lazily moved my head so that I was now looking at her. She had her mouth wide open as she looked back and forth between my face and our hands.

She had her hand pressed up to mine. Hers stopped halfway up my fingers.


"You have Godzilla hands!"

I chuckled at her words.

She mentioned my "Godzilla hands" at least once a week.

"Oh yeah?" I leaned over so my weight made her topple back on the couch. "You have little elf hands to match your pointy elf ears."

"Oh okay," She pouted her lips as she looked up at me. I moved my face towards hers, our lips about to brush against each other before she spoke again.

"At least I'm Santa's number one hoe."

I pulled myself back and gave her a questioning look before she burst out laughing, her hair messily covering her face.

She was beautiful in every single way possible.

"Well this took a turn, and to think, I was just about to kiss you too." I pushed myself up but her arms wrapped around my biceps and yanked me back down.

My face was buried in her neck, her breath tickling my ear.

"You know how Santa always says 'ho ho ho?'" She stifled back a giggle as I shook my head. "Well, I'm the first 'ho.'"

I rolled my eyes before kissing her neck and making eye contact with her.

Here she was again, bursting out with laughter.

"You're a loon Jordyn Ellis.

"Yeah, but you're stuck with me forever Ashton Irwin."

And for that I was immensely happy.

"Ashton?" Calum's voice asked from the doorway, bringing me out of my thoughts. I smiled to myself before picking my head up and reaching his gaze.

Forever and Always // Ashton Irwin (#Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now