1 - Cookies & Cold Sweats

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((friends, there is going to be a lot of italics in this book & they represent the past or dream sequences, you'll be able to differentiate between them I promise))

One Love - Marianas Trench
I wake up tonight, feeling paper thin and I'm paper white // What if the one true love's the only one that you get?


"Cam! Jor! I made cookies!" My mother's voice echoed from downstairs. The sweet and pleasant aroma of my mother's infamous chocolate chip and walnut cookies engrossed the air all around my brother and I.

I could sense Cameron, my older brother, looking at me through my peripheral vision. His fingers ran through his light brown, slightly curly hair as he licked his lips.


I already knew what he was going to say, this happened every single time our mom made cookies. This time I was the first one to get the words out.

"Beat you downstairs!" I yelled exuberantly, jumping up from the spot from the floor where I was sitting criss-cross apple sauce.

"Dammit Jordyn!" He yelled back as he shot up a second after me. My small legs padded furiously down the stairs as Cameron's long legs clunked after mine.

"I'm gonna beat you sucker!" I smiled, sticking my tongue out even though he couldn't see my face.

"Over my dead body!" His arm grabbed the hood of my sweatshirt and yanked me back causing me to jerk back and fall on my butt.

"Cameron! Seriously?!" I whined as I gripped the railing, pulling myself up. My brother had only gotten a few steps ahead of me and there was no way I was going to let him win.

I jumped down the next few steps, my fuzzy sock-covered feet hit the cool hardwood with a soft thud. I grabbed Cameron by the arm and bent my legs, his speed and strength pulled me along the floor.

If I wasn't going to win I was at least going to tie with him.

"Jordyn! You sly little bastard!" He laughed as he tried to pry my hands off of his arm.

"Cameron! Watch your language young man!" My mom scolded as Cam pulled me into the kitchen.

A plate of the ooey-gooey delicacies was sitting in the center of the table and two glasses of milk were placed in front of two empty chairs.

"You're not gonna eat with us?" I asked my mother. My hand was still linked around Cam's arm but I let my guard down for a second and he shook me from him, my body fumbled backwards and I landed with a thud on the floor.

Cameron laughed uncontrollably as I let out a groan. My butt would definitely be bruised in the morning.

My mom gave both of us a look and rolled her eyes.


Cameron plopped down in one of the chairs and grabbed a cookie.

I grunted as I pulled myself up and sat down next to my older brother, who seemed to act like a seven-year-old on crack.

"Idiot." I mumbled as I reached for a cookie, almost knocking over Cameron's milk in the process.


"Cameron, I heard that!" My mom yelled from the front hall.

"Sorry!" He yelled as he checked his phone.

Forever and Always // Ashton Irwin (#Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now