16 - You're Doing a Real Shit Job

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Home Movies - Beach Weather
Killing me slow all alone
You're like a flicker flame lose control
And I wish that I were better at letting it go but now
I'm up all night watching home movies
Sitting there in front of the screen
You're like a wandering dream, a mystery
And I wish that I were better at letting it be
But now I'm up all night watching home movies
Like you're lying there with me, but you're killing the memory


"Why did you stop playing the drums?" My voice cracked at the words that left my mouth. It was three in the morning and rain was pattering heavily against the window of Jordyn's apartment in New York.

We'd been lying here in a comfortable silence for about two hours. I knew she was still awake because she had been lightly humming some of her favorite songs into my chest.

She sighed as she placed her hand on my face, her thumb rubbed my chin and lightly grazed my lips.

"It was too painful, just the thought of playing reminded me of Cam and I couldn't handle it." Her voice squeaked. Her eyes watched the movements of her thumb on my face.

I reached up and placed my hand over hers that was cupping my face.

"Is that why you freaked out that day in the studio?" I asked, referencing the first time she's ever seen me play the drums.

She nodded her head.

"I was never really any good, I was the back-up to the back-up drummer in Cam's band." She pulled her hand away from my face as she stifled back a laugh, changing the mood of the conversation.

I smiled at her.

"The back up to the back up?" I questioned.

I'd never heard of such a thing.

"Yeah," she laughed. She suddenly sat up and leaned on her arm. "Are you telling me you don't have a back-up to the back-up Mr. Professional Drummer?"

I rolled my eyes at her as she busted out laughing once again. She plopped back down next to me and buried her face in my arm.

"No, because I'm the one and only, you can't replace me." Jordyn slowly picked her head up and gave me a funny look.

"Can I be your back up?" she asked quietly, her faced inched closer to mine with each word she spoke.

Just as I was going to say "yes" and take her into my arms and kiss her, her ice-cold toes wrapped themselves around my calves.

"Fuck, Jordyn!" I screeched as I jolted back. I nearly fell off Jordyn's twin-sized bed.

"I'm so sorry!" She covered her mouth with her hands as she sat up and looked at me. I gave her a grumpy look as I resituated myself.

"You need to invest in a bigger bed and some warm socks." I grumbled, pulling the covers over my head.

I walked down the brightly lit hallway in the hospital with Jordyn's baby pink colored backpack slung over my shoulder. It was nearly a week until our wedding day and there was still no improvement in Jordyn's condition.

I pulled open the sliding door to her room and entered. Michael was asleep in the chair next to her bed. I smirked at the sight.

My eyes wandered to Jordyn and my smirk automatically turned into a frown.

Forever and Always // Ashton Irwin (#Wattys2017)Where stories live. Discover now