♤Chapter 1♤

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  My first class was Spanish 3 and I found it just as the bell rang.

  I sighed and slumped into a chair at the back of the class close to the door. Just as I sat down the speakers came on, saying we should stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and national anthem. That caused me to groan lowly, but I got up anyway.

  They don't normally do the national anthem on Mondays, but I think it's because it's the first day of school. The Pledge of Allegiance is on every morning though, and after that there were announcements. Fridays, were usually when they played the national anthem.

  After the anthem finished we were told to sit and the announcements started with welcoming us back to school and welcoming the freshmen into the school and other irrelevant stuff.

  My mind strayed back to moments ago and what happened that I never thought would happen to me in my life and a smile split across my face again. I looked down, trying to hide it in case someone saw me and thought I was mental or something.

  The more I thought about it, the wider my smile stretched. I thought about every single thing, down to the acne that was on both his cheeks. Even with the endless amount of pimples on his cheeks, causing a permanent pink, he was still so attractive. I always wondered why he never tried to get rid of them, or maybe he does and whatever it is he uses doesn't work. Either way, he's still smoking hot.

  I couldn't help the grin on my face when I saw his smile in my head and I dropped my head on my arms on top of the table, the stupid grin still on my face.

  He touched me. And he smiled. And he didn't look repulse by me.

  Ummm... First of all, he only touched you because if he didn't, your midget ass would've made us both fall. And I mean, you probably looked stupid-

  Stop thinking, you're ruining this.

  But it's true though. If he didn't, we probably would've fell and he was just being nice. I should stop overthinking.

  Just as the speakers cut off, the teacher started talking, "This is a small set," She said while looking over the class that has probably only fifteen kids in it.

  Our teacher was a dirty blonde, middle aged woman. She had on a pair of dark rimmed glasses on her face as she looked us all over.

  "They probably can't find the class," A girl in the front said.

  She nods, "Right. It's like this every year," She looks at the clock above the door, "We'll give them ten more minutes, then we'll start," Then nods when there were sounds of agreement, "Okay, you can all do your snapchats or instagram or whatever," She told us—not that she even had to—and laughs along with us as she makes her way out of the room.

  I took advantage of that and took my phone out to go on Instagram after connecting to the school's Wi-Fi. Five minutes into watching videos and snickering at memes, more kids started coming into the room. I ignored them and was still scrolling.

  "Can I sit here?"

  "Yeah, sure," I replied without looking at the person. I had my earbuds in and was watching a comedy skit and was trying really hard not to laugh.

  "This looks more like a class," The teacher said after a moment. She was standing in front of the classroom again. My eyes absentmindedly trailed around the classroom which had much more students in it now, "I'm going to ask you to put away all your electronics, so say goodbye to your friends and loved ones."

  I smiled a little at that and took out my earbuds after locking my phone, then set it down on the table. I never put my phone in my book bag. It's just a big no-no for me.

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