♠Chapter 23♠

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 “So y'all goin to the movies?” Thion asked.

 I nodded absentmindedly, my pen scribbling against my notebook.


 I nodded again, my eyebrows furrowing as I read the paragraph in my textbook again, trying to make sense of it.

 “And eatin after?”

 I bit the top of my pen, “Burger King most likely,” I voiced.

 “And you payin for everything?”

 “Why wouldn't I?”

 It was quiet after that and I went back and forth from my textbook to my notes.

 “And this doesn't… sound like a date to you at all…”

 “Nathion, are you finished?”

 Both of us looked up and the teacher, a middle aged brunette with her hair falling around her shoulders, looking in our direction. At Thion actually.

 I mean he has been talking for the past five minutes. Asking me a bunch of questions about me and Ari going to the movies later. We do it all the time, we just don't tell anyone. Most of the time, it just doesn't come up, but it came up in this case and I'm regretting telling him anything.

 “Working on it, Mrs. E,” he replied.

 “Work harder,” she responded and a couple people snickered.

 I smirked, looking at Thion who nodded. I laughed lowly, turning back to my books.

 It was a minute of quiet after that before he said, “So?”

 I set my pen down and turned to him, replying lowly, “No. I don't think it's a date. I see it as two people who want to see a particular movie and are going to see that particular movie.”

 His eyebrows raised, “You know that's bullshit right?”

 I sighed, “You asked me what I thought, I told you. What do want me to say?”

 He pretended to think about it, “Admit that you like her.”

 I blinked a couple times, squinting my eyes in confusion, “Where did that even-”

 He shook his head, cutting me off, “Don't act dumb. You like her.”

 “Of course I like her, we're friends,” I replied.

 “And you know that's not what I mean.”

 I laughed incredulously, “I can't keep up with you- where are you going with this?”

 He stared at me blankly.

 “Boys,” we both looked to the back of the room where the teacher was now standing, staring at us in disapproval, “Keep this up and one of you are going to be changing seats.”

 We both apologized and I stood up with my assignment on a sheet of paper and went to the front of the class to set it on her desk.

 When I got back to my seat, I muttered, “There's nothing deep about it. We're just seeing a movie.” And I hoped that was enough for him to let the topic go entirely.


 After class I got as far away from Nathion as possible, because I wasn't going to discuss that topic any further. I'm tired of people forcing feelings into my head that I had for Ariana. We were friends just like Jess and I were, and Mariana—maybe a bit closer, but friends, nonetheless.

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