♤Chapter 18♤

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 When I came up to the small group, I heard what they were talking about.

 “C'mon man, it's fall. It's a celebration.”

 “I'd hardly call a random high school party a celebration.” Chris said.

 “C'mon, T,” a feminine voice said, “Leave him alone. He wants to spend the night with-”

 “Stop,” Chris said, and there were giggles, “It's not like that and the second she gets here I'm leaving.”

 I shook my head, “Hi!” I said loudly.

 They all turned to me where I stood at the passenger side of the car and I waved with a smile. They returned my greeting and I looked back at Chris.

 I watched as his eyebrows raised on his forehead as he took in what I was carrying.

 “Flowers.” He stated, meeting my eyes.

 I pouted, “I know right, they're so cute,” I looked down at the small bouquet of flowers that I received today, “They make me hate them less now.” I voiced.

 Today was my first day back at school in weeks. Yes. Weeks. And I still wasn't one hundred percent healed but I got the okay from my doctor that I should be good to go back.

 Yes, my stubborn ass contacted my doctor first this time.

 My bag was currently heavy with papers which held all my assignments. I didn't have to do them, my teachers told me they excused me for the missing assignments, but I told them I wanted to do it.

 I sat at home for weeks without doing anything and while I always wished I could do that, I didn't really like it. All I could think about was all the shit I was missing and how stupid I was gonna feel when I finally got back and had no damn clue what was going on or what they were talking about. Did I mention I hated that?

 But the most memorable moment of the day was when a group of guys had came up to me after lunch(I had lunch with Chris and his friends today)as I was going to class and handed me a bouquet of flowers, notes and chocolate. And now I was engaged to three guys. It's so funny how that works.

 “I wanna marry all of them.” I told him as he took my bag from my left shoulder. My right one had a sling that was supporting my arm.

 I was supposed to be wearing it the second I came out of the hospital, but… I'm stubborn. And apparently it works, so I started wearing it a couple days after that homecoming.

 “I thought I was your husband,” Chris said, frowning at me playfully over the top of the car. He closed the car door after throwing my bag in the back seat.

 I stared at him in pity, “Aw, sweety,” I blinked, “You still are.” I said softly, nodding as I played along and he laughed lowly to himself.

 He was not going to let me live down that day. When I was drugged up and called him my husband. Too bad for him, cause I don't give much of a damn.

 We both got into the car and he got his keys out.

 As I was struggling with my seatbelt, I stopped when his hand closed around mine and took in from me. He leaned over to pull it and brought it across my body, then there was the click.

 “Thanks,” I mumbled. I still hated the fact that I really couldn't do much still. Sure my arm didn't hurt as bad as it used to, but it still did and it was gonna take a couple more months to fully heal. That was the sucky part.

 “No problem,” he smiled, still leaning against the center console. His eyes drifted down to my lap, “Want me to take that?” He asked.

 I looked down at the flowers laying on my lap and reached for it, shaking my head, “No, it's fine.”

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