♤Chapter 27♤

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  The whole drive over to their house, I felt queasy and uncomfortable in my seat. And it’s not just because I could feel the fat on my torso spilling over the waistband of my jeans reminding me why I should’ve worn leggings instead, but the fluttery feeling in my stomach. Which means I was completely nervous and dreading this evening.

 It’s not that I didn’t want to see him, it’s just gonna be awkward because I’m gonna be in his house so I won’t have a valid excuse to not talk to him. I know I’m being dramatic, but I’m not gonna just waltz in and give him a hug and act like I haven’t been taking the longer ways to class to avoid him in the halls. The awkward stage is gonna happen and he’s gonna give me those sad eyes again and ask me if I’m still mad. And I'm not mad, just annoyed.

 When we got there my mom parked on the curb and I stared out the windshield at the snow falling lightly as she got herself and her stuff together.

The heavier snow fall had taken place this morning, leaving a good five inches or so of fresh snow on everything.

 “Why you just sitting there?” she retorted, “Let’s go.” She undid her seatbelt and reached for the door handle.

 I let out a loud breath when she got out and closed the car door behind her. It didn’t take long for me to get myself together. I gave myself a five second pep talk about the fact that it was just the four of us and I should be grateful for that at least.

 It wouldn't been even better too if we weren’t so early. It was 3 p.m.. Like, why are we here? It’s too early.

 We both made our way up the brick walkway, carefully, with snow sticking to our shoes and our hands clutching the containers of food. Another reason why winter isn’t my favorite time of year. I had to be stomping my foot every three steps.

 Charlotte answered the door and broke into a large smile. I immediately noticed what she was wearing which were jeans, a cosy looking knitted sweater and black boots.

 “Hi, Happy Thanksgiving!” My mom said excitedly. She reciprocated the greeting and they shared a short embrace.

 “Oh, come in! Come in!” Charlotte still wore a large smile as she ushered us in and I struggled to believe it was real.

 Not that she didn’t smile, just that she didn’t do it a lot. She must be really excited to meet my mom.

Which means she's super excited to talk about my closeness with her son, which is really the other way around.

 She placed a hand on my back lightly as I came in after my mom. Then she leaned down to me and said, “I love your hair.”

 And I couldn’t help but grin up at her. “Thank you.”

 “Oh, let me take that,” Charlotte turned to me and reached for the container in my hand and I handed them to her without question.

 For the next five minutes she helped us get settled. We got out of our coats, me taking the food from my mom so she could after I did, and hung them up while they spoke briefly about the weather condition.

  Suddenly I heard, “Do you mind going up to get Christian?” Which caused me to freeze up.

 I stuttered for a second before saying, “Can’t I like, shoot him a text or something?”

 They both turned to look at me and I smiled sheepishly. Shrugging, I said, “I mean he could be doing something and it’s not dinner time yet.”

 My mom made a face before saying, “Oh would you just go get him.”

 They both turned, and with Charlotte leading the way they started for the kitchen. I heard my mom muttering something as they went then they both laughed lowly.

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