♤Chapter 17♤

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 “We went to pizza hut for lunch, then we went to the movies and saw a bunch of them back to back. Then after we left the movies, we stopped at a tattoo parlor and I got- I'm kidding!”

 I was explaining to my mom, the days events. I came home at around nine—almost ten. Went and took a shower and got ready for bed as my mom caught up with my uncle—her brother. But the second I was about to knock out, she came into my room.

 She kept giving me a look after the tattoo thing, so I defended myself with, “I'm just playing. I mean, we did see one and went in but I didn't get anythi- mom!” I exclaimed when she whipped out her phone before I even finished talking.

 “Don't call him, he didn't do anything!” I said, my voice raising a little. I knew she was gonna call my dad and raise hell for no reason.

 “Why the hell he carrying you into a tattoo parlor?” She demanded.

 I shrugged, “Cause I wanted to see…” I trailed off.

 “For what?” She squinted at me a little.

 “Cause I think it's cool.” I struggled again.

 When she didn't reply after a moment, I continued, “So yeah, we went in and I looked and we got out,” I said discreetly, not telling her about my secret vow to get a couple when I'm eighteen. “Then we went to dinner and talked and stuff, then I came home.” I shrugged.

 I thought back to when my dad dropped me off. He hugged me and kissed my head and I wanted to ask him if he could come inside but didn't. It's obvious they didn't want to see each other and I wasn't about to push anything. It was none of my business how they operated.

 “Well, at least you had a good time. How's your arm?” She asked.

 I let out a breath, “Fine.”

 For some reason I was frustrated. With everything. With her acting like I'm a damn twelve year old and finding any excuse to argue with my dad but won't talk to him in person. I don't understand them. It's irritating. I've never seen or heard them have a conversation after their split and she was so quick to whip her phone out and just about to cuss him out because I merely went into a tattoo parlor…

 I didn't get it. It's not like I got anything while I was there.

 I'm pretty sure she saw the change in my mood, but didn't call me out on it. Normally she would, though. She's probably feeling generous today.

 “Okay, well, get some sleep,” she said, getting up from the side of my bed where she was sitting.

 I nodded, staring up at the ceiling and telling myself that I was going to read for an hour or two more once she leaves.


 “Dude,” I groaned, “I broke out so fuckin bad, it's not even funny.” I voiced my frustrations to Chris over the phone while reaching up on my toes to get a small kit kat bar on the cupboard shelf.

 I was whining about how much worse my acne got over the past couple of days. I literally have some mountain looking ass bumps and pimples poking out of my face. It's disgusting.

 “It's all that junk you've been eating.” He responds.

 I froze, pulling the phone away from my ear and staring at it. My eyes narrowed and I brought the device back to my ear, “Have you been speaking to my mother?”

 There's no way he came up with that phrase on his own. He has to be having relations with my mother.

 “I have no idea what you're talking about,” he said nonchalantly.

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