♤Chapter 44♤

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The day dragged after lunch because I spent all that time worrying, but mostly being pissed at Thion and Chris.

It all started on my way to the cafeteria. Julia and I were moving with the crowd and talking about her plans for college shopping during the next couple of weeks. When I looked over my shoulder where the boys were supposed to be, I found myself coming up empty.

At the time I didn't think much about it because they could've easily stopped to talk to some people or wander off. It happened all the time. I'd see them at the table in a couple of minutes. I was convinced. But when I got there, most of the guys weren't there and that made me suspicious but curious.

It was about 15 minutes into lunch when I saw kids running down the hall and others tripping over each other to exit the cafeteria. It was obvious to me what had been happening at the time, a fight. But what I didn't expect was for Mariana to announce that it was Chris and Thion. While the girls crowded around her to get a look at her phone, I'd frozen up—not quite wanting to believe it. It's when I heard gasps and someone confirming that it was them from the video playing loudly on her phone, that I got up without a word.

Hell they were, was all I thought as I forced myself through the crowd, dodging the teachers who tried to get kids back into the cafeteria.

I couldn't see them because of the crowd for a while but when I finally did, my shock was overrun by anger after seeing their faces; busted and bleeding. I positively lost it. I didn't care that they were glaring and seething at each other with teachers and security clutching them. I was pissed, and they saw that before they got dragged away.

Suffice to say, that anger barely died down. I was unfocused and irritated for the rest of the day, thinking about what happened and the fact that I haven't seen them since. I was going to be pissed if Thion fought Chris because of what happened last week because first of all, Chris and I worked through that and we were fine. Thion said he would back off. And I know Thion would be the one to start it because let's face it, Chris would never. He's a huge softie and too much of a nerd to be caught dead getting in trouble at school.

When the final bell rang after what felt like ten thousand years, I met the girls outside the backdoor of the gym where they were all waiting for me.

"We're going to Chris's," Jess said as we made it across the street and into the back parking lot.

I looked over at her but didn't say anything.

"Thion told us to come over and he'll explain," Julia said. I turned my attention back in front of me as she continued speaking. "Good news though, they didn't get suspended, but they got sent home for the day. Really, Chris got let out because of some shit Thion's going to explain."

"I think it's because he has a clean record and Thion probably threw the first punch," Jess said.

"Hey!" I exclaimed without thinking. "Why can't Chris be the one to throw the first punch?" I had no clue why I said that and I don't know why I wanted it to seem like Chris is all hard, but... why not?

Cause he's a big ol' teddy bear.

I pursed my lips when they all turned to look at me with knowing looks and I knew they were all thinking the same thing.

I rolled my eyes to play it off. "Whatever."

They all busted out laughing and I shook my head, pressing my lips together to hide my amusement.

An arm draped over my shoulders and Mar was in my ear. "We're not making fun of him but... come on." She jostled me with a giggle. "It's not that he can't defend himself- Chris just isn't a violent person. He's too much of a sweetheart."

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