♤Chapter 12♤

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 “Can you carry me up the stairs?” I turned to look at my mom after standing in front of our building and staring up at it for a while.

 She gave me a blank look, “Look lil girl,” she said, unlocking the door and pulling it open, “Get your ass up those stairs.”

 I groaned, stomping my legs as I went into the building and up the stairs.

 They let me go today. I've only been in the hospital for like three days. After the doctor started talking medical, I kinda zoned out and let my mom listen to all that. I probably should've listened but I was nodding out. That was until I heard, “She can go home” and that was music to my ears, cause I could not sleep in that place another night.

 I still had to minimize the amount of pressure I put on my shoulder or moving too fast, but I was grateful to get out.

 When we got to our floor and I was already at our door, I heard a bunch of talking going on inside there. So me being me, I took a couple steps back, staring at the door.

 “What?” My mom asked when she walked up next to me and saw me eyeing the door weirdly.

 “There's people in there,” I told her, “I'm not going in there.”

 She lets out a breath, walking up to the door and unlocking it before twisting the knob and pushing it open. Then she went in with my hospital bag and left me standing out here.

 I pouted, dragging my feet dramatically as I entered the apartment.

Our place wasn't huge since it was just the two of us. It was a decent size—enough for two people. And it wasn't anything fancy either, but it was home. There was the living room, which was the first thing you noticed when you came in and you could see the two bedroom doors across the room.

 To the far left of the room was the kitchen. From the kitchen you could see the living room and vice versa since there wasn't a door. Then there was a small hall that led to the only bathroom and my mom's room.

 Like I said, nothing special, but it was fine with me. I prefer smaller places and I wish I could say that's why we moved into this apartment. But if my mom could afford a house, she would have one, believe me.

 Now back to the talking that was coming from behind the door a minute or two ago. My living room was taken over by insects.

 Okay, that's rude. The polite way to say it would be: by family is here.

 For what? I have no clue.

 Maybe it's because I got shot

 But I'm not dead, so I don't underts-

 Okay, stop being a bitch.

 I let out a breath and smiled, “Hey,” I said enthusiastically and they all were already lining up to give me hugs.

 There were different hi’s and greetings as I hugged each of them while keeping my injured shoulder away from their bodies.

 It wasn't my whole family, since most of my family is scattered across the country and around the world.

 In my house was my grandmother(my favourite), one of my uncles and his wife and two kids(haha). That was it. I didn't hate them, but like everyone, I had my favorite relatives and then I had the ones that I wasn't too excited over.

 These were those that didn't excite me very much. I have no idea why. Probably because I see them on every major holiday. But that didn't mean I didn't get happy to see them. I just think messed up things sometimes that I can't help. Anyway, I'm still grateful that they came, I was just looking forward to some sleep.

 “I'll be back in a second,” I told them, making my way across the room, toward my room.

 I pushed the door open and closed it behind me when I went in. I walked over to my bed and crawled onto it, trying not to hurt my shoulder. It wasn't hurting right now but there was a dull ache that was telling me that all I have to do is bump it or something and I'm done for.

 I had some medication before I left the hospital so that was making me a little drowsy too.

 I breathed, settling on my back and reaching into my pocket for my phone. I went into messages, but thought twice about it and went into snapchat instead. Who even textes anyone anymore.

 I took a picture of my ceiling and captioned it before sending it to Chris. I smiled a little, thinking back to how I got his number.

 “So,” he’d started with a look, “Before… the accident,” he’d stopped again.

 “What?” I’d laughed, getting impatient.

 He hadn't skipped school for me that day, but he came right after with munchies. I honestly feel like his motive is for me to gain like fifty pounds, because after that first morning he came to school with dunkin and offered me half, he hasn't stopped feeding me. And I'm too much of a fatass to refuse him when he has donuts or bagels or a breakfast sandwich from wawa.

 And he does it on purpose and maybe it's my fault for telling him I don't eat at all throughout the whole school day, but still. On some days I'm happy he doesn't respect that choice, but now I'm feeling guilty. But I'm still happy.

 “You said you wanted me to write down something…” he trailed off, waiting for me to elaborate.

  I’d snapped my fingers and pointed at him, “Ooohhhh,” I drawled.

 He smiled, nodding, “Yeah.”

 He was sitting next to my bed at the time cause he was scared my mom was gonna pop up out of nowhere. He didn't say that exactly but I’m guessing on it.

 “I was gonna give you my number,” I’d told him, nodding, then added, “You know what I think?”

 He shrugged, leaning forward and resting his arms on the bed, “What?”

 “It was a sign,” I'd voiced and gave him a look.

 He'd gave me a blank look in return.

 I nodded, “Yup. It was God's way of saying stay your ass home,” I held up a hand, “Amen!”

 That had made him throw his head back and laughed loudly. And me to laugh lowly to myself and question why I was the way I was.

 “That isn't funny,” he wheezed after a moment of getting air into his lungs.

 I grinned at his red face, “Totally.”

 He sat back, reached into his pocket and took out his phone. He handed it to me after tapping at it for a couple seconds.

 “Can I get your number?” He asked with a smile-

 A knock sounded at my door and I tilted my head to the side to look at it, “Yeah?”

 The knob turned and the door pushed open. My mom stood in the door with a worried look on her face.

 “You okay?” She asked, eyeing me, “If you're tired you can go to sleep, it's fine.”

 I shook my head and pulled myself up, holding back a grunt, “No, I'll be out in a bit.”

 She watched me for a brief second before nodding and stepping back out, pulling the door shut with her.

 I let out a breath, looking around my room aimlessly. My attention drew back to my phone when it buzzed in my hand. A small smile lifted on my lips and I clicked on his snap and it was picture of him in his neon green top that was a part of his work uniform.

 But what made me laugh was the goofy look he had on his face. His tongue was sticking out and his eyes were crossed weirdly. I snickered, shaking my head and took another picture, trying to mimic what he did in his but not doing nearly as good.

 After I sent it, I pushed myself to the edge of my bed before getting up.

 I let out a breath, “Don't pass out.” Was my little pep talk.

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