♠Chapter 10♠

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 “I'm here to see Ariana,” I told the lady at the front desk.

 She nodded, clicking at the mouse on her computer and moving it around a couple of times, “Last name?”

 “Blackwood,” my fingers drummed against the desk impatiently as I looked around the waiting area.

 After leaving school, it was kind of a blur. I was so focused on getting here, but that didn't get in the way of me stopping a couple places to get her some stuff. Which is why I had my bag on still. I didn't know if they were gonna say I couldn't bring food in or anything so I'm hiding it.

 “Room 310,” she said and proceeded to give me directions to where the elevators were and what floor it was on.

 “Thank you.”

 “No problem,” she smiles and I push myself away from the desk.

 So she said the elevator is this way, I thought, pointing down the hall, then take the first right.

 Stepping onto the elevator, I pressed the button for the third floor. I was fidgeting on the spot and getting impatient when the door was taking too long to close.

 Right when it started sliding shut, someone squeezed their way through with a relieved breath. I immediately recognized the familiar face and quickly looked down, burying my hands in my pockets.

 “Chris?” She said when the door slid shut and the elevator started going up.

 On the inside, I cringed, but on the outside, I looked up and gave her a smile, “How are you?”

 She smiled, “Good.”

 I dated Daniella for most of my sophomore into junior year. She was a brunette but now you could see that she was sporting bleach blonde hair that usually fell in thick curls around her shoulder, but was now in a bun at the back of her head.

 She was also on the taller side, with amazing legs, but we're not gonna get into that. Her light brown eyes were flecked with gold and I didn't realize that I was staring until I blinked and averted my eyes.

 When I looked back at her, I noticed she was wearing a uniform, so with my eyebrows raised, I asked, “You work here?”

 She immediately looked down at herself, “Uh, no,” she laughed, displaying her bright smile, “Volunteer.”

 I hummed with a nod, “Cool. I haven't started mine. I still need to find somewhere.”

 “Oh,” she said, then added, “You could always apply here, they still need a bit of help with the patients and all-”

 She stopped when I shook my head, “And I would love to help but hospitals,” I shook my head with a low laugh, “Aren't really my scene. I might sound like an asshole, but I'm barely keeping it together right now.” I told her. It was just something about hospitals that always bothered me.

 The elevator stopped and the door slid open. I gestured for her to go first and she smiled, stepping out first. It's then I noticed that she was carrying a stack of towels.

 “What's with those?” I asked, nodding at them.

 “It's for a patient,” she said, “They forgot to stack the room. They need cleaner ones I think,” she nodded, “And you're here to see someone?” She asked but it sounded like statement.

 I nodded, my hands pushing deeper into my pockets as I watched my feet move along the tiled floor, “Yup. A friend of mine got into an accident.” I told her discreetly.

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