♤Chapter 30♤

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  Two Months Later

 I walked into the class and looked around for a couple seconds and had to hold back a smile.

 Today was the beginning of the second semester, meaning, we all change classes. At first I was kinda bummed out because I wouldn’t have any classes with Chris, but that was before we got our schedules for the second semester and saw that we indeed had, not one, but two classes together. This one being Pre-Calculus. And not just with him, but with a couple more of his friends, most of them whom I’m not really close to like others, but regardless, it’s gonna be great.

 That means I’m gonna fail this damn class.

 Not so surprisingly though, I passed Spanish. Not to sound smug, but I pass all my classes. All the time. So does Chris. The guy’s a fucking nerd and goes crazy if he gets anything less than an A. Apparently he’s an honors student—makes sense—and this was his first year taking academic courses, which is probably why we never had classes in the past. I think it was fate that brought us together. Or the devil sometimes because that boy is an-noy-ing.

 Despite that, the past couple of weeks were… interesting, to say the least.

 Chris’s birthday came and went in early December and that was good. He had a small sparty with just his usual friends, his mom, my mom, and a couple other grown-ups who were either parents of his friends that he was close to, or some other family members. It was nice.

It was actually a birthday party. With a cake and everything. And that’s one of the things I like about him—he likes doing simple, normal things. He actually stood in front of his lit cake and let everyone sing him happy birthday—not like he had a choice— but he didn’t seem to mind with the huge grin he was wearing. Then we had karaoke and played a bunch of games. It was the first party I’ve been to in a while, and I liked it.

 On a serious note though, I had no clue what to get him, so I ordered him a custom made hoodie… with my face on it. But that was before I had the idea to get him a camera. My mom helped me purchase it and I put both our names on the package. His face was comical when he opened my gift with the hoodie though. Everyone started laughing while I just smiled at his blank face. He wears it though, to my misfortune.

 Then Christmas came around, and we both went to New York. Not together, we had family to see, but we were in New York nonetheless. Different sides of it too, so I didn’t get to see him over the holiday. Cry. But I was fine. Detoxing is good for the mind and body. However I did get him a present and he got me one, and we lived happily.

 All too soon we had to go back to school and finish up the last of our classes for the semester, while kids slaved through Keystone Testing. Ha. So happy I was over that.

 Which brings us here… me standing in the door of my second class of the day and staring at a smirking Chris, who was perched on the edge of a desk in the back of the class. He wasn’t even paying attention to the girl talking to him and I almost ran when people started turning to see what he was looking at.

 I shook my head, looking away but I couldn’t stop myself from smiling. Making my way around the desks, I pushed my glasses up on my nose as I notice that the desks were all pushed together, forming five groups instead of rows. Then and there, I knew this was gonna be a bitter-sweet experience.

  I don’t like working in groups, especially seeing as each groups had at least four desks, but this way I can be close to Chris and Theon (yes, he’s in this class, so the last thing I’ll be doing is work). But this will only work in my favor if we get to choose our groups. Which I doubt.

 “What’s poppin, Riana?” Theon greeted as I got closer, and waited until I set my stuff down on a desk before pulling me into a hug, “My lil midget friend.”

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