♠Chapter 28♠

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 I couldn’t stop looking at her and it was gonna get me in trouble.

 I had no clue what it was, but I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. The worst part is, it wasn’t just today. Ever since she started avoiding me, I was subjected to watching her laugh and talk to everybody else except me, and that had me noticing things I never dwelled on before. It bothered me and it shouldn’t have, at least not to the extent it did.

 All I knew at the time was that the only plausible reason for her to be ignoring me had to do with her seeing me practically naked. I had a feeling it was because of something her mother had said. I thought her mother had told her she should stay away from me or something and that’s why it had me stressing out, especially since she never answered any of my questions or texts and barely spoke to me. I quickly threw that thought out the window when I found out they were coming over for Thanksgiving. That’s when I realized she was deliberately — all on her own — ignoring me. And it pissed me off.

 But I could never get so angry at her as to raise my voice, especially after seeing her all dolled up today. So I settled on demanding her tell me as firmly as I can. I can never stay mad at her and that’s the sucky part.

 Maybe it’s the part of me that thinks she’ll go right back to ignoring me even after talking about what happened. She’s like that. Even when I apologize for something, it still takes her a while to actually start talking to me normally again.

 I still can’t believe she was ignoring me because she got the sex talk. I totally get that it’s embarrassing and all, but that was no reason to make me feel like I was banned from seeing her. She even started taking the bus home again after that — refusing that I take her home like we’ve come accustomed to over the past couple of weeks.

 Well I guess it’s a good thing I didn’t tell her I got another one of those talks that night she had dinner with us and I came back after taking her home. My mom had proceeded to tell me not to get her pregnant even after I repeatedly let her know Ariana and I weren’t that close. She simply didn’t care and I let her talk all her nonsense. She constantly thinks I’m having sex and sometimes I’m tempted to tell her I’m not, but it’s entertaining sometimes with the things she comes up with to ‘keep’ me using protection.

 But if I keep staring at Ari, I’ll no doubt get that talk again and I didn’t need it. My mother makes it her mission to remind me how smart and necessary protection is, even though I already know that and I have no sexual relation with the person.

 It was something about her though. Something different. I think seeing her with her natural hair out is doing something to my brain. It has to be that. Or maybe…

 “Have you gained weight?”

 She stopped on the stairs and my eyes widened.

 Why the fuck did you say that for!?

 She started to turn and I was stuttering out my reply before she even fully faced me.

 “What did you just say to me?” she cuts off my rambling, her voice dangerously low.

 I swallowed hardly, shaking my head, “Th-that’s not what I-” I stopped when she suddenly turned her back and started stomping down the stairs. And I panicked, which made me freeze up and watch her back with my mouth hanging open.

 “Why did I say that?” I muttered, questioning my sanity, “Fucking idiot.”

 I came back to earth after noticing she was already at the bottom of the stairs — almost out of sight. I hurried down the steps, almost tripping a couple times, “Ari!” I called out, “Babe that’s not what I meant!”

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