♠ Chapter 39♠

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"I am not rooming with you, ew," Julia said, making a face as I grinned at her.

"What's wrong with me?" I asked incredulously. "I'm clean, organized for the most part, and I cook." I wasn't really aiming to change her mind because I knew she isn't going to—it's all jokes anyway—but I can't help feeling a little offended. I'd be the best roommate anyone could have.

She leaned back, eyeing me. "You almost had me at that last part since I've had your chicken parmesan."

"You cook?"

I looked over at Jeseah and she was giving me the same look Jules was, only more... heated. I held back a shiver, and it was not the excited kind. I ignored it as much as I could and shrugged at her question. My friends, however, had to voice their opinions.

"Boy can throw down," Thion said, stuffing several fries in his mouth and nodding.

"I never liked lasagna until I had the beef and vegetable one he made-"

"Freshman year?" Carlos cut off Jess, pointing at her.

She smacked her hands on the table, making utensils clatter, and groaned. "Yes," she said, "it was so good!" I almost rolled my eyes at her dramatics, but I couldn't deny it didn't boost to my cooking ego.

Most of them agreed.

The memory came back fresh and vivid even though I haven't thought about it in ages. It was on one of our many kickbacks and I was one of the small number of people who volunteered to make dinner instead of ordering take-out because let's face it, most of us were broke or stingy with our money when we were freshmen. No one was pitching in to order anything and Nate's parents were out that night, so like broke, dependent children, we were starving. So, with my expertise in culinary dishes since twelve-years-old (thanks mom), I volunteered to make a big enough meal with what was in Nate's kitchen. Since then, whenever the topic of cooking comes up, heads turned to me.

"Guys, thanks," I said, looking around at them with a stare that said 'stop'. "Thank you. But it's really not a big deal." I let out a laugh. "It's a survival skill, y'know."

"That not many men think they should have which is why... we're appreciating your skill," Marinna said, but it's obvious that wasn't what she was going to say halfway through.

I didn't call her out on it though and instead smiled and nodded.

"And that's why I think we should do that one more time," Thion said, leaning across the table. "Sit down and have dinner, I mean. Don't get no ideas."

We all laughed, and I looked around the table, smiling in a bitter-sweet way. I always loved hanging out with these guys—we always had a great time and knew how to without substances being involved. We're not saints obviously but drinking or smoking wasn't necessary. Majority of the time, those only came in handy at parties, at least on my side.

It's really going you suck when we all split up. I knew I was going to be seeing Julia a lot more out of the lot since we're both going to Parsons, but it's not enough. I was joking about the roommate thing earlier, but a part of me kind of hoped she'd say yes. Besides from her, I'll only see a couple of my other friends who're going to be in the city, and I guess that'll have to do.

Maybe I have separation issues?

My eyes went around the table and I pursed my lips.

Ari was the only one who wasn't here, and despite what happened today, the table felt incomplete without her laughs and snide comments at everything I said. This whole get-together was a last-minute thing so when they asked her if she wanted to join, it was around nine o'clock and her mom was never going to let her out, so they promised to eat enough junk for her.

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