♤Chapter 42♤

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It wasn't the sun or the chirping birds that woke me up, neither was it the weight pressing down on me from either side; it was my phone vibrating somewhere underneath me and Chris.

I shifted and all three of us groaned. I was not looking forward to moving either. I was warm and cozy against cool morning air, but when I shifted, I felt something soft slide over my legs—a blanket.

My hand searched around between me and Chris and its when he let out a low groan that I realized I was moving around too close to his crotch.

I cringed sheepishly, barely moving my hand now to get my phone. When I got it and safely retrieved my hand, I said, "Sorry," lowly, my voice hoarse. My eyes barely opened to glance at his face—he was still sleeping, thank God.

"Hello?" I answered my phone, hardly looking at it.

"Good morning," my mom's voice came through the phone. It was too loud against the peacefulness going on, but I wasn't mad enough to ask her to lower it.

"Hi, mom," I said lowly, a yawn slipping out of me as I snuggled subconsciously into all the warmth.

"Sounds like you had a fun night," she said, but I was already slipping back into sleep.

I hummed. "It was okay."

"No drinking?"

"No, mom," I replied.


"No, mom."

"Are you hung over?"

I laughed lowly because I couldn't help it. She was the one who told me I could come to this party because I have enough friends looking out for me, and they assured her there wouldn't be a ton of people. Anyway, I promised her I wouldn't do any of those things. Goes to show her trust.

I slowly turned onto my side and the hammock swayed with the movement. I rested the phone on my ear then pulled the blanket up, over my head to block out the sunlight.

"Mom, I didn't drink or do any kind of drugs," I reassured her of our agreement. "And I practically fell asleep about three hours in. You just woke me up."

"Why are you whispering?"

I yawned again. "I'm not. I'm just tired." It wasn't a lie, but I didn't need her getting ideas if I told her I fell asleep between two guys. So the last thing I'm going to do is accidentally wake them up and have her hear them only to start asking questions.

She let me go back to sleep after promising to call me again in a couple of hours. I was dozing off again when something slid up my side then clutched my hip. Heat ran through me.

"Your mom let you come?" Chris said gruffly.

Trying not to let the sound of his morning voice deter me, I hummed at his question, trying to shake off his hand. "Stop touching me."

I tried not to be harsh about it, and I wasn't, but he froze anyway before moving his hand. My back was still pressed against his chest though. I don't know how much he could move back without falling out and I didn't want to risk it only for all of us to end up eating grass and dirt.

"Did you even want to come?"

I shook my head, fiddling with one of the strings on Nate's sweater that found its way under my palm. "They tried to sneak me out at first, but I wasn't going to—I didn't want to. And I had the greatest excuse," I said with a grin. "But then they got that excuse involved and she said yes. And I still said no but they convinced me."

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