♤Chapter 16♤

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I was bored out of my mind. It was my third day home and I was onto my fifth novel. If it wasn't for those books, I would've been a corpse on the floor for my mom to come home to.

The thing is, I hate school. I despise the kids that attend that school, which is the main reason why I don't like school actually. The point is, as much as I hate the place, I can feel my brain cells slowly disintegrating. Sitting here, not learning or doing anything, made me feel useless.

Chris help me out with some of my Spanish assignments online, but otherwise from that, I had nothing to help me get the knowledge I need. I check schoology and Google classroom for my other classes and get some stuff done that are actually online work. But I'm missing out big time on the process.

I hate being behind and I hated not knowing what's going on, which is why I hate missing school. Basically.

I sprawled out lazily on the couch, groaning loudly into the ceiling. I sighed, my eyes following the cracks in the ceiling.

"You know what," I said to myself, sitting up slowly. I reached for my laptop sitting open on the glass coffee table, "I'm..." I opened a new tab, "gonna look for a job."

I never worked a day in my life. But at this point, I could take any kind of labor my body would allow. Of course, with my condition, I can't apply yet if I do find one, but I'm still gonna look. I was feeling liberal. After being cooped up in here and hardly being able move without caution, I find it's time for me to get out of my confined mentality.

I'm home way too much and while I don't need money, it would be nice to have my own cash. And as I thought about how good this would be for me, I felt a spark of independence and it felt good.

Not to mention, there was a knot in my stomach whenever I thought about tomorrow night-homecoming. It was a small pang of guilt that made me want to throw up and set me on edge for some reason. I felt bad about what happened even though I knew it wasn't my fault that I wasn't going.

What kills me is that I was looking forward to it. I was genuinely feeling a small bit of excitement at getting to do something and go out for once. When I finally decided to do something out of my element, I'm thrown right back here. Cooped up in my house. Only this time it wasn't exactly by choice.

The buzzer started to ring.

I gasped dramatically, "A visitor!" I exclaimed, "Oh who could it be!" I reached up to put a hand over my mouth, my eyes wide.

I pushed myself up from the couch and went over to the income and pressed the talk button, "Hulloooo," I drawled with a small grin, holding back a laugh. I'm such a trip.

"I think I got the right apartment," the voice said and I froze before a slow grin spread across my face, "Ariana?"

"Dad?" I asked lowly. He replied but I couldn't hear him over my thumping heart and the blood rushing through my ears, so I just pushed the button to unlock the door.

I hurried over to the window and peeked out from behind the curtains, grinning even wider at the familiar truck parked outside the building.

I could hear his heavy footsteps on the stairs and I made a face when I heard another pair of footsteps and his voice muffled as he talked to someone.

Not being able to hold back my curiosity any longer, I unlocked the door and stepped into the hall, and he was there. Climbing the steps with another one of my favorite people. My uncle. My favorite one by the way and not the same one who visited me last week.

I grinned widely, "You're both here," I laughed, surprised.

"Yeah, cause your uncle couldn't come another day," my dad said, coming to stand in front of me, "C'mere," he wrapped his arms around me in a bear hug. He groaned, "I'm so sorry," he said.

"It's okay," I muttered into his chest, wrapping my arms around his back and trying to hug him back as tightly as I could.

My mom and dad had split up, which is one of the reasons why we'd moved. It was the main reason actually. With my mom always wanting to live in Pennsylvania, it wasn't that hard to find somewhere out of the City to live. She was never a fan of the Big Apple, especially if it was to settle down with a family, but she did for years with my dad. It didn't work out.

I don't know why. One day they just sat me down and let me know that they decided to split. They weren't married, but when they were telling me I couldn't help but be curious as to why they were doing it, because I could see how much they really loved each other. And it hurt. Surprisingly, it hurt a lot when they were telling me, but at the time, I didn't want to make it harder than it was for all of us, so I didn't say anything. I just went with it.

They never went through the court or anything when it came to me either. My dad had let me know that they both decided it was best for me to go with her. That there were things that my mom could teach me that he couldn't. He knew I didn't want to leave and he didn't want to shatter the relationship with my mom even more than it already was. So they both decided on holidays and when I can go visit him or when he can come see me.

It was a hard adjustment, but we made it work and I tried not to make this harder than it has to be. And standing here, hugging him, I realized what a horrible daughter I was. I never called him to let him know what had happened.

"Sorry it took me so long," he said, seeing as the accident was days ago. He pulled back, holding my head in his hands and I caught the way his eyes glistened but didn't say anything about it, "Ya momma forgot you had a daddy until the day before yesterday."

In all honesty I did too, but it was mostly the fact that I didn't want to worry him. I didn't think to tell him right away, but when I thought about it, I decided not to. Bad decision, I know.

"That's why you watch the news," my uncle jumped in sarcastically, standing next to me.

"Shut up," my dad looked over at him, pulling a face, then he looks back down at me, "You know how I am with news don't you?"

I let out a laugh, "I do."

Then I was pulled into another hug and I breathed out a laugh, groaning and pulling my head back so my face wasn't quashed against my uncle's chest.

"How's my favourite niece doing?" He asked.

I hugged him back, "Good. Bored though."

"You eat yet?" My dad asked when I pulled away from my uncle's hug.

I shook my head, "No. I have to make something-" I stopped when he waved me off.

"Are you good to go out to eat?" He asked, eyeing me. Probably to make sure that I wasn't gonna drop any second.

I nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine. I just have to keep pressure off my arm and I took my medz."

"You wanna get dressed, or you just wanna go?" He asked.

I gave him a look, "You really think I'd go out like this?" I retorted, walking backward into the apartment.

He shrugged, "Who knows what the next trend is."

"Where's the bathroom?" My uncle asked.

"Down that side," I pointed to the hallway and he nodded, following the direction. "I'm gonna go change and the kitchen is over there if you need water or anything," I pointed in that direction too.

He said something but I was too hyped up over leaving this apartment to listen in to it too much.

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