♤Chapter 47♤

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Chris pulled the SUV into a space outside my complex and slumped back in his seat. He let out an exhausted breath, his head tilted back with his eyes closed.

I turned to him, smiling. I undid my seatbelt and got up on my knees, placing my elbows on the center console. I pushed myself closer to him and ran my fingernail down the length of his neck slowly. He groaned. I pulled my hand back and dropped my chin in my palm, staring up at him.


He let out a deep breath. "I feel like I could sleep for days. I'm pretty sure I had a total of ten hours of sleep this whole weekend," he grumbled.

My eyes went to the dashboard. It was a little past eleven but there were enough lights on outside the row of buildings so it wasn't too dark.

I can unashamedly say that this weekend was the most fun I'd ever had in New York and I lived there my whole life. It's just something about these people—they make me enjoy everything by being there with me.

Despite us going to the arcade dozens of times, this time was different. I don't know if it's because we were in a different state, but the whole thing was another level type of fun. I was bummed that the rest of our friends couldn't join us though. If it was a shitty trip, I would be more than happy to tell them that, but we had a great time.

On Saturday we got to see Chris's apartment and even though there was nothing in there, it was hot as hell. I loved it—everything about it—and I made sure to tell him.

I went as far as letting him know I was going to be his roommate when I start college—if I get into Parsons, anyway. He agreed with a shrug that was supposed to be nonchalant but he was grinning like a kid who took something he shouldn't have and no one knew. We both knew our moms would kill us. But they don't need to know every aspect of our lives.

After we saw his place, we all went out for food—mostly for us kids who have to eat every two hours. To be specific, we kids walked to Central Park, which took us about an hour, and we immediately found a subway and ordered enough food for twenty people, before heading to the park to find Chris's parents.

We took in some cites along the way which was the reason for it in the first place, but also to give Charlotte and Zeke some time talk for a while without us being there eavesdropping, something we'd definitely do.

We got there, ate, sat around getting loud for a while, played stupid games like tag. The guys snuck a football out with them and Jess had cards, so that was fun. We fed ducks and it was absolutely adorable!

By the time we were ready to move on, we only had a few more hours before Charlotte and Zeke threatened to leave us. We told them to go and we'd uber back but they said no even though they were the ones threatening us. We took that time to visit the Met Museum that was like two minutes away so we all walked there.

We stayed there until around nine that night, and as we'd been leaving, everyone practically begged Charlotte for us to stay out a little longer. We tried telling her and Zeke we'd be back at the house earlier than three in the morning this time but she didn't believe us, or she didn't care. Because of that, we ended up not wreaking havoc in the big apple. It was kind of a sour ride back the house but once I jumped into the shower, I was fine and so was everyone else.

We all ended up staying in the outhouse. Chris didn't mind as long as no one was in his room. I really think the guy had issues.

I don't know if we all decided to stay with Chris after what happened that morning but I know Jess, Thion, and I did. I simply didn't feel okay being in that house and I didn't say it to a soul—just got my still packed bag and hopped houses that morning.

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