♠Chapter 40♠

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Grammarly keeps trying to change Thion's name to 'then' and his full name to some other fuckshit, and I'm like "Can you leave my mans alone, please? Thanks. Unoriginal mf." 

This was a last-minute thing so I didn't get to make an announcement. I'm sure it's fine though.

Leave me some comments. xoxo


For some reason, after I walked into the packed house, everyone at the door got hype, and eventually, the whole first room was cheering. But that could also be because Thion walked in behind me. If it's not obvious, he's very well-known around our school, but his name goes around more in the upperclassmen range.

The music wasn't at an obnoxious volume, but it was loud enough that anyone could hear the low bass from the porch. High schoolers stood around in groups, most of them either holding plastic cups or beer bottles loosely in their grips. As we went deeper into the house, along the way, I saw that one or two corners of the house, puffs of smoke floated in the air.

The lights were dim, and I appreciated that not the whole senior and junior class was invited, or there wouldn't be space to move at all.

Nate, Thion, Heath, and I maneuvered around people easily, greeting people as we went, and my eyes searching...

"They're not here yet," Heath said. He was next to me and probably saw me craning my neck not so subtly.

Heath was a part of our extended group and shared Pre-Calc with me, Thion, and Ari. I say extended group because as much as we're friends and knew each other through every stage in our lives, he wasn't always with our knit circle. I suppose that doesn't make him not a friend- he's just not as close as the others but he gets the same treatment anyway.

I gave him a look and he chuckled, looking away from me with a smug grin.

"Really, no one asked you," I said.

He laughed and held his hands up. "What I say?"

I couldn't help but smile in amusement, shaking my head.

Miraculously, we came across an empty couch and I plopped down heavily, not hesitating to kick my feet up on the coffee table sitting in front of me. I threw my head back on the back of the couch and let my arm rest along it the same time Thion sat a couple spaces away. He already had a joint between his lips, his hand cupping around the end as he brought a lighter up to it.

"Couldn't wait, could you?" I mused, smirking and shaking my head.

"Look," he said, his voice muffled as he pulled the lighter away and tossed it to Heath who'd pulled up a barstool from somewhere and sat across from us. "It's been three months since I've smoked, and five since I got good shit. Let me have this."

I chuckled, shrugging. "It's all yours."

I let my eyes skim the room multiple times, looking for familiar faces. Or one per se. I had no clue if Ari was going to show up because on our way here, I never asked, and no one brought it up. With what happened last night, I'm sure Thion wasn't looking to ease my mind either.

Good news is, he saw me worthy to have my phone back by the end of our hang out session, and I texted Ari when I got into my car. Bad news: she didn't respond. I think I texted her five times and she didn't even open them, but I know she got them.

Something cold landed on my lap and I looked down at a beer bottle nestled on top of my thighs.

"You need it," Nate said, pointing at me.

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