♤Chapter 3♤

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  When school ended I was one of the first people out. I didn't exactly wait until the bell went but I left. I could be a bit of a rebel sometimes but people don't expect it because I'm quiet and all, but who cares.

  I walked down the concrete path leading to the road where the school buses were parked on the curb. I do take the school bus. It is the worst but best part of my day. Worse, because the kids are immature, annoying and loud. Best, because I'm going home.

  I can't wait to get my permit and start driving. It might take me a while to start driving though since I can't, not even a little bit. Then I doubt I'll get a car until I'm at least nineteen cause yeah, I'm broke.

  Then there's the fact that I'm lazy as all hell. I could've gotten my permit already but I haven't and I haven't been studying. So yeah, it's my fault and my mom's been on my back about it.

  I did my usual routine, getting on the bus and sitting close to the back then plugged in my earbuds as numerous exits on the school started opening and kids started piling out of everywhere.

  As kids started piling onto the bus, I blasted my music. I'm sure I'm gonna be deaf by twenty. My eyes scanned the kids that were making their way to the parking lot.

  Where is he? Where is he? Where is he?

  That's the chant that I've used everyday, since last year, whenever I'm looking for him. I was looking for Chris, like I always do, which is why I choose this certain seat on the bus. I'm a stalker, I know.

  I finally spotted him and my lips twitched when I saw that his friend, Nate as he called him, was walking next to him, like always. He was talking animatedly about something while using hand motions and as usual, Chris had his hands stuffed in his front pockets, listening with a small smile on his face.

  I bit down on my lip, hiding my smile. I just never get tired of seeing them.

  Unfortunately, no breeze was blowing today so no outline for me. I was more than happy to check him out either way as he made his way to the parking lot, admiring everything about him.

  He just had that look about him. He had that edgy 'I'm dangerous' look, but at the same time, he had that laid back, humble look. He was a T-shirt and jeans kinda guy, along with his boots, but occasionally, he'd wear a button down and converse which made him look different from how he usually does.

  He was...

  I don't even know how to describe what he is, but I really liked everything about him. Especially now that I've spoken to him and gotten a glimpse of his true character. I never thought he was an asshole because he never gave off that vibe. And I like what I saw of his personality so far.

  I sighed as he got out of sight and slumped back in my seat.



  I slammed the cupboard shut, "Who the hell ate my chips!" I screeched, "Oh shit, wait," I stopped, then I remembered, "Oh yeah, it was me," I shook my head, turning to the fridge, "Dumbass."

  I groaned when I realized I'm gonna have to cook my dinner. Again.

  I always get home before my mom, since she gets home like, to six, and when she gets home, she doesn't cook. She don't like doing it. Cause she on a diet, it's like, 'Oh, you want food? Cook it ya damn self'.

  Of course she doesn't exactly say that but I wasn't the best chef out there. Not that I be burning shit, but I don't want to cook man. Cooking isn't my thing but I gotta do it or I starve.

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