♤Chapter 20♤

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 We finished most of my assignments. Rephrase—I finished most of my assignments. I couldn't have him do them. He did help me a lot though with things that I didn't know.

 Despite how humble he is, he knows what he's doing when it comes to academics. Especially math. He knew almost everything when I asked and if he didn't, he'd look it up on the internet.

 We mostly focused on worksheets and things that I could get done in one sitting. Stuff like papers or essays, I'm saving for later. I know I'm not going to get all of it done today but he said that he'd still help me. I just have to give him a date for when and if he's available.

 Now, I was sorting all my papers by subject and what's done and what isn't because we were done for the night. And my mom has called me five times in the last hour, telling me to bring my ass home.

 It’s not like she didn’t know where I was, it was just getting late and… policies.

 “So organized,” I heard him say.

 I looked up at him and shrugged with a smile. He was laying across the foot of the bed, watching what I was doing. He'd helped me out by giving me some huge paper clips to hold the papers together.

 Suddenly he stood up and walked over to his desk, taking a camera from where it was hanging on the back of the chair.

  I gave him a blank look, “Put that away,” I told him, looking back at the papers. I shook my head, seeing him lift it to his face.

 He's a photographer. Maybe not professionally, but not long ago I'd stood on his bed and peered at the photographs that were pinned to lights hanging from the ceiling. I've seen him with the camera before but today was the first I've actually seen the photos he's taken and they were amazing.

 He has pictures since he was in eighth grade, he says. That's when he'd gotten into photography. He got inspired when he went to an exhibit with his mom at that age. And he's been doing it ever since. He has pictures of everyone and everything in his life. Even his ex-girlfriend is still up there. He told me that he didn't feel anything for her like he once did but “those were great pictures” so he's not burning them.

 “Tilt your head for me,” he said.

 I groaned, “Noooo, leave me alone,” I whined, stacking my papers on top of each other according to what classes I have one after the other.

 “Please?” He said lowly, walking around the bed, “You look beautiful in this lighting,” he said.

 I turned to him, my eyes narrowing, “I'm beautiful now.” I retorted.

 He chuckled behind the camera, cracking a grin, “Stunning,” he said playfully.

 My smile slipped and I shook my head, turning back to my papers. I reached for my bag and heard a click. I laughed, looking over at him. Another click.

 “You're so stupid,” I laughed as he grinned behind the camera.

 He pulled it back, looking down at it and clicking through, “You know what light I wanna see you under?” He retorted.

 “I dunno, which one?” I humored him, shoving the papers in my bag.

 “These,” he pointed toward the ceiling, “they're orange lights,” he said, “I can just imagine your skin under them.”

 I looked over at him, my eyebrows raised.

 He cringed, “Was that offensive?”

 I let out a small laugh before I could help it, turning back to my bag and zipping it up. Another click.

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