♠Chapter 5♠

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It was Saturday, around three in the afternoon and I was at the mall. A bunch of us were sitting in Chick-Fil-A, getting some food.

It was three weeks into the school year and it felt like ten thousand years. I don't usually get to go out with my friends, so I took up the offer to come to the mall with them today since I work later on Saturdays and with school added to the mix, I definitely won't have much time to do anything anymore.

But the past three weeks have been easy, or as easy as it could get. And with this being my last year of high school, I was looking forward to it.


I blinked, tuning back into the conversation, "Yeah, what?"

Carlos raised his eyebrows at me, "You going to homecoming?"

I shrugged, "I want to," I replied, reaching for my bottle of water and taking a drink.

"You should ask Ariana," Nate said with a teasing grin. He gets a kick out of teasing me about her for some reason and I don't get why, but I don't really care much.

I shook my head, "If there's one thing she hates, it's school dances," I told them.

Honestly, if I was going to ask someone to go with me, it would be her, simply because in the past couple of weeks we've gotten closer and I really like her. And not in an intimate way, just the fact that she's really fun to be around and she has a great personality. Whenever I'm with her, we're always having a good time. We've hung out a couple of times too but it's always a group thing because I know her mom's strict about her and the thought of her having a boyfriend or dating.

"I think you should still ask her." Julia said. Julia was a dirty blonde with light blue eyes and small features, she wasn't always with our group when we hang out but she's always welcomed.

"Yeah, you guys are cute together," Mariana said with a grin.

I shook my head, over telling them that nothing's going on with me and Ariana. They're so sure that I have feelings for her or something, when it's literally been three weeks since I've known her. Sure, I like her character and her personality and she's... not ugly-far from it actually-but I don't see her that way.

"Isn't she a Junior?" Amanda, brunette with thick curls falling down her shoulders heavily, said. She was looking at me matter-of-factly, "What is she? Like fifteen?" She retorts.

I stared at her for a moment. I did notice that whenever Ariana's name was mentioned, she'd get a bit defensive and say stuff like that and it was working on my nerves. I know she didn't like Ariana but she didn't have to voice her opinion of her. No one really cared what she thought.

"She's sixteen," I replied, keeping eye contact with her, "And it's a dance, it's not like we're getting married."

"And you don't have to be such a bitch to her either." Julia said, turning to Amanda and my lips twitched in a smile.

Amanda turns to her with her eyebrows raised, "What?"

"I said, you should stop being a bitch," She repeats unapologetically, "Because she's a really nice person. She's never done anything to you and you're such an asshole to her. It's irritating."

Amanda looked around the table in shock as if asking everyone if it's true.

"You have been really mean to her, Amanda," Mariana stated.

"And you're all just gonna take her side," Amanda said, looking around the table, "You all just met her and I've been your friends since like, sophomore year-"

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