♤Chapter 25♤

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 My fluttered open and I stared drowsily at the wall, my eyes heavy and burning.

 Eventually, they closed again but I couldn't sleep. Instead all the events from the night prior started replaying behind my closed lids.

 Some time during our show night, Chris and I fell asleep. I know that because when I woke up, it was to the lock turning in the door. I'm a really light sleeper. And when I woke up, him passed out on the couch was the first thing I noticed before I looked over at the door and saw my mom shuffling in.

 That was around 9 p.m. It took her about three hours to get home and then she had to find a decent parking space.

 It didn't take her long to spot Chris, napping away on the couch and said, “Wake his ass up,” which made me choke on a laugh before she finished what she was saying, “And tell him to go sleep in the guest room.

 I had to tell her that we just fell asleep, then I went and changed the sheets in there cause they were probably dusty, since they've been on the bed for a while.

 When I did wake him and told him he should go in the room, he didn't. Like I thought, it was just a nap. He ended up not wanting to go back to sleep and then we stayed up, talking about how bad the roads were. Then he called his mom when he saw the amount of missed calls he had.

 His mom was… not happy, and I could tell because I could hear her shouting at him over the phone. His mom was a lot like mine in the strict department. Or more like stern. That would be a better term for it. She didn't let stuff like that slide, especially since it was a storm out and he hasn't called to check in.

 I've actually gotten to know her a little. Whenever we study together or have any group projects and we go to his house and she's home(she kinda banned us from going to his room, so we stay in the living room or dining room) I get to talk to her. She gives me these looks though, like she'd trying to figure out if I'm fucking her son or something. Which is definitely what she thinks and I have no clue why.

 I mean, I'm not offended or anything, it's just weird, but I'm not guilty so it's fine. But yeah, I notice that he doesn't get off easy on certain things. He has to watch the way he talks around her, or he gets these crazy looks, much like the ones my mom gives me. It's nice to know it's not just me y’know.

 So seeing him stutter out his replies and flush a bright red as he talked to her over the phone, was refreshing and so freaking adorable. He was probably embarrassed because he could tell we could hear her from across the room.

 So the night consisted of dinner, school talk, along with relationship talk(my mom asked him if he had a girlfriend)—which was very brief—then work talk. And after that we had to restart the show to where we left off and stayed up until midnight I think, watching it. My mom had went to the kitchen and saw us actually and told us to go to bed, to which we protested.

 We were both pretty sure there wasn't gonna be any school in the morning, but my mother didn't give a damn. So we ended up going to bed.

 Which brings us here. Where I laid in bed for, I don't know how long, until my bladder became full and I had to drag myself out of bed to go to the bathroom.

 When I did, I ended up just brushing my teeth and cleaning my face, knowing I wasn't gonna go back to bed.

 Then I went to the kitchen for a bottle of water to take back to my room.

 The door to the guest room opened and my lips formed into a smile. That was until he stepped out.

 He ran a hand over his hair that had grew out a little since his last cut, completely missing my starstruck state.

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