♤Chapter 36♤

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The rest of the day wasn't awkward at all between Chris and I, something I loved and appreciated. It was like what happened didn't even happen. We still took jabs at each other, even though the evening before we agreed to be more respectful and civilized. Only changes would be me not calling him a bitch and him not touching my hair. That doesn't mean he didn't ask, though. Repeatedly.

Thankfully, no one brought balloons and lunch was its normal forty-five minutes of noise excluding anyone singing me happy birthday. There was talk about the sleepover though. Everyone was planning on what to get, what we were going to eat and drink—stuff like that. Even Amanda was giving suggestions. She's been toning down her dislike for me for a couple weeks now and I found myself wondering if she found a man or something.

I'm just saying. I mean, she wasn't trying to get buddy-buddy with me or anything (thank God), but she wasn't a bitch either. Most of the time, she just acted like I wasn't even there, and I did the same shit to her. She probably just finally decided to let go of all the bitterness she was holding onto for me. I'm more than thankful for it. Last thing I need is to smack a bitch across the face with something, y'know? Those days are long gone, and I don't wanna have to go back.

However, I did get a bunch of them asking me what I wanted for my birthday. Again. I had no clue what to tell them, so I just gave each of them some kind of food item that I'd want to eat by tomorrow night. So that's one more thing I'm looking forward to.

"I kinda need to stop over at Nate's and get something if you don't mind?" Chris said as we're making our way around the cars in the parking lot to get to his truck.

The snow was coming down a bit heavy for mid-April, and I was clutching his arm to stop from slipping on some ice and snow.

Obviously, it was dismissal, but all our friends were gone. During lunch they said they were gonna go buy some stuff for the party and asked me if I wanted to go. I did not. So, they all went without us and Chris repeatedly tried to make me feel bad by calling me boring. It's frickin cold out, I'm tryna be home in some PJs. I love that they love me and all and I'm grateful, but I'm also not build for this kind of outdoor weather.

"What's over there?" I asked, my eyes on the ground. Literally watching my step.

"Well the guys and I were gonna have a game night tonight since we're gonna be hanging around you lot tomorrow-"

I cut him off with a laugh, "Man, I thought you said 'thots', I was about to whoop your white ass."

"And like you could." He scoffed. "I could tip you over with my index finger."

I rolled my eyes, "Okay, Chris."

"Oh, so now I'm weak?"

"I didn't even say nothin'."

"But that's what you're implying."

I shook my head, "Always tryna start something, I swear."

"We're doing really bad at this, by the way." He pointed out, bringing up our agreement from the evening before. I couldn't not laugh, cause he's absolutely right.

"It's your fault-"

"And there you go, blaming me again." He shook his head pitifully.

"But it is!" I looked up at him. "Why you all the way up there?" I made a face.

He looked down at me with a smirk, "Why you all the way down there?"

I pursed my lips, "I have a... condition."

We stared at each other blankly for a moment, until I slipped on some ice. A squeak left me and both of us started laughing as he grabbed me quickly, holding me up.

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