Chapter 2

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Anti's POV

"Would you like to go on a date with me?" I asked. "I would love to. Is tonight good?" She said. "I can do tonight. Park or movies?" I asked. "Movies sounds good."

(Time Skip)
Your POV

The bell rang signaling that the day was over. I went to my locker and I put all my stuff in my book bag. When I shut the door I was greeted by Anti. "Jeez Anti! Don't sneak up on me like that!" I said punching his arm. "Sorry babe. I didn't mean to scare you. Can I walk you home?" He asked. "Sure. Just let me text my dad and tell him." I said then pulled out my phone.

You: Hey dad! A friend of mine is walking me home

Dad: Okay! Be safe. Love you ❤️

You: Love you too

I put my phone and then I saw Anti looking at me weird. "What? He worries when I'm not home on time." I said. "Not it's not that. It's just, your eyes changed colors. They went from (Eye/C) to Purple. Is that normal?" He asked. "Yeah. My eye color tells my emotions. Like right now, it's Purple because I'm happy. And when I'm in love, my eyes turn Pink." I explained.

We started walking towards the door leading outside. When I opened the door we were greeted by Andrew and his gang bang. "Hey sweetie. What are you doing with this asshole?" He said realizing that it was me. "None of your business, Andrew." I spat at him. "Come on babe. You can trust me." He said lifting my chin. I smacked his hand away. "Leave me alone." I said through my teeth. "You know I can't do that." Andrew said then grabbed my arm. "Leave her alone Andrew." Anti said taking a step forward. "And what are you going to do? You're just a Cambion." That word must have triggered something in Anti's mind because after he said it Anti punched him in the nose. Andrew's nose was pouring blood. But then him and his 'buddies' ran away.

I turned to Anti and his eyes were pitch black. "Anti?" The sound of my voice snapped him out of it and his eye turned back and he looked at me. "Were my eyes black?" He asked with worry in his voice. I nodded slowly. Then he took a step forward and stopped. "Are you okay?" I asked reaching out for his face. My hand grazed his cheek and he flinched but then he smiled and leaned his head into my hand. "I'm just fine."

We continued walking and we got to my house. I went up to the door and I waved goodbye to Anti and I blew him a kiss. I opened the door and saw my dad, Darkiplier. What's up with people magically appearing behind doors. "I heard that. Who was that boy?" He asked. I forgot he could read minds. "That was my friend." I said moving past him. "Uhh no. I saw you blow that kiss to him. Is he your boyfriend?" He said. "Maybe." I said feeling my cheeks heat up. "Your eyes are pink! You love him!" He yelled. "Yes I do! Is that a problem!" I yelled back. "No. Maybe." He said crossing his arms. "Are you afraid you're gonna get replaced?" A voice came in from the Kitchen. I also forgot I live with my dad's counterpart, Markiplier. "You stay out of this." Dad yelled. "It's kinda hard not to when you're yelling!" Mark yelled. "Okay. Shut up!" I yelled. "Number one: He is my boyfriend. Number two: You are not going to get replaced dad. You'll still be my number one guy." I said then hugged him. He hugged back. "Awww. Family reunion." Mark said leaning against the wall. "Shut up nurse!" I yelled. "That's my line!"

"So did anything interesting happen at school today?" Dad asked. "Actually yes! I discovered my power!" I smiled. He hugged me tightly. "Oh that's great!" Then Mark voice came from the kitchen. "Yo! Quick question! Who's your history teacher?" I thought about it. "Ms. Hummings. Why?" He chuckled. "Because I'm glad you don't have Mr. Jefferson! He was a jerk! But if it wasn't for his class I wouldn't have met the most amazing girl ever." He sighed. "She was really something y'know. Human. It's too bad that she passed away right after graduation." I could tell that he really loved her. I wonder what happened between them two......

Anti's POV

After (Y/N) went inside I started sprinting home. Good thing she lives not that far from my house. I burst in the door and then yelled for my brother. "Jack!? Jack! Where are you!?" A voice came from upstairs. "I'm up here." I ran up the stairs and I opened his door. He had a smile on his face but then it faded away. "What happened?" He asked standing up. "It happened again." I said out of breath. "Did anyone see you?" He asked placing his hands on my shoulders. "Only one person. (Y/N) Fischbach." I said looking down. I heard him exhale loudly. "What triggered you?" He asked. "Andrew calling me a Cambion." I looked at him. "Okay. Just be more careful next time." He said backing away. "I will."
I hope I spelled Mark's last name correctly. I'm pretty sure I did.

Plus: since Darkiplier is technically Mark I figured that you would have just last name. I hope that was okay

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