Chapter 17

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Your POV

I woke up the next morning to a sting in my neck. I flinched but then I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Shh. Shh. Quiet now. There's nothing to be scared of." I heard Wilford say. After a moment he took the needle out of my neck then started to kiss that spot where the needle was. He backed away and smirked. "Okay, now that you're done injecting me with whatever that is, can you at least tell me where the bathroom is?" I asked not looking at him. "Down the hall, last door on the right." He said. I nodded and got up. Then I realized that my clothes had changed. I was wearing my underwear and a plain while tank top. When in the hell did my clothes change? Ugh, whatever. As I walked out the door I heard Wilford whistle. Ugh. I can't believe this. I walked out of the room and walked down the hall to the bathroom. I pushed door open then i shut and locked it. I leaned against the sink then turned the handle on the faucet. I splashed my face with water and sighed. I looked at myself in the mirror. I'm a mess. I've been kidnapped and Wilford has said that Anti had abandoned me. I don't even think my dad has noticed that i'm even gone. After a while, I noticed that the veins in my neck started to turn a bright pink color and it rose up to my face reaching the Sclera of my left eye which had turned pitch black and the Iris was a bright pink. My heart started to race and then darkness covered my vision.

I woke up the bed that I keep coming back to. I quickly sat up and Wilford was nowhere to be found. "WILFORD!!" I yelled out. A cloud of smoke appeared and Wilford was in the middle. He had a smirk plastered across his face. "Yes, my love?" He asked like nothing bad just happened. "What the hell is happening to me?" I asked standing up, taking a step towards him. "That's simple. I'm turning you into a full demon." He said getting closer to me. "But that's impossible I'm already a demon." I said tilting my head. "It's a bit complicated but you're only 3/4ths of a demon. I'm making you a whole demon in a corrupted and fucked up kind of way. Is this really that hard to explain?" He asked sarcastically. Then with a snap of his fingers he disappeared in the same cloud of smoke he appeared in earlier. I sighed then flopped down on the bed. I laid there for a while before realizing that I hadn't eaten in a while.I stood up and began to explore the place I was currently in.

I walked out of the hallway and saw that this place was just a regular home. I explored a little bit more and I came across the kitchen. I opened the cabinets and saw that every one was filled with supplies. "Damn. Looks like he keeps a full inventory." I said to myself aloud. Fuck it! I'm making pancakes again! I got everything that I needed and soon enough I started making blueberry pancakes because why the hell not. After about 5 minutes I felt an arm around my waist. I jumped and looked behind me to find Wilford there. "Hey. That smells amazing." He said in a ruff voice. "Well. If you want some, you're gonna have to ask." He sighed. and started kissing my neck eventually finding my weak spot. I shivered when he got there. He started to bite down on that spot and he sucked on it. I tried to be calm then before I went crazy he stopped. "I don't have to ask." He finally said in a deep husky voice. (A/N: I need Jesus)

I felt the heat rush to my cheeks. He chuckled and then walked away. I sighed and turned my focus back on the pancakes. When I finally finished, I put 2 on my plate and 2 on Wilford's. He was sitting down on the couch when I brought it to him. I sat beside him and gave him his plate. He took a bite and he nodded. "These are really good." He said smiling. Okay, I thought he was going to be a complete douche to me but hes being strangely nice. After he finished way before I did he smirked and looked at me. "You know what I think would taste better?" He finally asked. I tilted my head. He scooted closer to me and took the plate out of my hands. "You." He said then pressed his lips against mine. He didn't use pheromones on me this time but I did feel like I was in a trance. He was rough but gentle. And I loved every single bit of it. I kissed back and he pushed me down into the couch. I guess he finally realized what he was doing because he stopped. He backed away and frowned. "We can't do that just yet. I want to wait." He said breathlessly. I nodded in agreement. "How long can you wait?" I asked. "As long as it takes." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sorry that this was (somewhat) a short chapter and also sorry that i kinda took forever. I just hoped that everyone enjoyed this update!

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