Chapter 16

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A/N: There is going to be a lot of change in POV in this chapter! Just letting you know! I don't why I did so much but............that's I wrote this chapter. Also another warning, I proofread it but i think I missed a couple things!

Anti's POV

I woke up to nothing but darkness. I tried to move only to be limited a few inches. My hands were chained behind me and I couldn't move any further. "Anti?" A small voice called out. I recognized it immediately. "(Y/N)?" I said trying to see her. "Yeah. It's me. Anti, I am so sorry. I caused this. I didn't-" Before she could finish a door slammed open and the lights turned on. "You bet your sweet ass that you caused this." A male voice said from the door. It was familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. My eyes finally adjusted to the bright light and I looked up to see someone who seemed like Mark but he had a pink mustache. Then it finally hit me. "Wilford Warfstache." I said silently. In his hands he had a silver revolver and he pointed at me for second. "That's my name, don't wear it out." He smiled. "What do you want from us!?" (Y/N) demanded. "'Us?' Darling," He stepped towards her and crouched down into her level. He lifted her chin. "I only want you." He finished. I saw his finger trace her lips and he leaned in closer.

Your POV

Wilford leaned in closer and he kissed me and I didn't kiss back. Then I smelled a sweet aroma which made me feel dizzy immediately afterwards. Like I was in a trance. The way he was kissing me drove me crazy because it was soft but rough. It was perfect. Eventually I kissed back because I couldn't resist. I think Anti saw this because I heard chains moving in his general direction. I didn't look. Wilford backed away and smiled. "We'll continue that later." He said loud enough to where Anti could here him. I smirked at him and he got up and walked off to the door. "I will be back. For her." He said pointing at me before shutting the door. I blinked a couple times before I realized what I had just done. I turned towards Anti and he looked hurt. "Anti, I don't know what came over me. I think he used pheromones on me." I tried to explain. He nodded. "(Y/N), why are you saying that this was your fault?" He asked not looking up at me. I sighed and started to explain everything.


I sat down and waited on Anti to come back out of my Dad's room. I waited and waited then I felt a small draft come through. "Hello, Darling~" A voice said behind me. I jumped up and turned to see Mark's other counterpart. "Wilford." I finally said. "Your eyes turned orange. Are you scared of me?" He chuckled then stopped. "You should be." He said in a husky voice. "My how much you've grown." He added while walking around me. "What are going to do to me?" I asked with my voice shaking. He took a step towards me and he lifted my chin. "Thats for me to know and for you to find out." He said then disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

*End Flashback*

Anti's POV

So thats why she tensed up when I said that. "Now that I think about it, the bastard did use pheromones on me." She said. Then the door swung open and Wilford was standing there. "Smart girl. What gave it away?" He said stepping closer to her. "The aroma, or you pressed against my lips." I saw him smirk and I tried to jump at him. But it was no use. I smelled something that almost smelled like something rotting. Next thing I know, I passed out hitting the floor.

Your POV

I watched Anti's body collapse onto the floor. I tried to back away but I was closer to the wall then I thought. Wilford crouched down behind me and unlocked the chains . He had me by the wrists so I wouldn't escape. He made me stand up and led me to wherever he wanted. Then out of nowhere he pinned me against the wall with my hands above my head. "You look more beautiful scared with those orange eyes of yours." He said with his breath hitting my neck. Then he started kissing my neck. I smelled the sweet aroma again and I felt dizzy. He brought his face up and he let go of my hands. I instantly grabbed his face and kissed him. This small kiss turned into a make out session. He backed away breathless for a moment. "Feisty one aren't ya." He smirked. "Shut up and kiss me damn it." I said pressing myself against him. "Very well." He said then started kissing my neck. He tried to my weak spot and instantly found it then he started to suck right there. Things got really heated until felt a sting right where he was kissing me. I looked over and Wilford had stuck a needle in my neck. He injected me with the fluid in the syringe and I blacked out.

Anti's POV

I woke up with a nasty headache. The bright lights weren't helping my situation. My hands were still chained up behind me. I looked up and saw Wilford there. I started crawling away but he stayed right where he was. He was smiling...? I looked over to where (Y/N) was supposed to be but she wasn't there. "What did you do to her." I said gritting my teeth. "Something you wouldn't even think of doing." He simply said. "Which is?" I asked afraid that he might do something to me too. "None of your goddamn business." He said crossing his arms. "Once I'm done with her, she will never be the same again. And," He chuckled to himself. "She'll be all mine." I growled silently. "So that's your plan?" I said looking up at him. "Not all of it. Your gonna have to wait your turn." He said then waved his hand in front of my eyes and I passed out.

Your POV

I woke up in a bedroom on a bed. I opened my eyes to see Wilford staring at me. I jumped back and looked around. "W-Where's Anti? And Where am I?" I asked my voice shaking. He sat down beside me and grabbed my hands. I smelled another scent. "That doesn't matter right now, my love." He smirked. "You're right. That...doesn't matter."

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