Chapter 11

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Your POV

The nurse walked up to me and she instantly said "That's my daughter alright. And also dating counterparts kinda runs in the family, doesn't it". She looked over to Anti. She quickly turned around and she slapped dad. "That's what you get for leaving me and taking off with my child." She said then she looked back at me. Dad looked absolutely in shock. Me and Anti started laughing. "So what did Dark decide to name you?" She asked. "Um, (Y/N)." I replied. She smiled. "That's the name we picked out if it was girl." She said looking back at dad who was still had his hand on his cheek. They both smiled. "So....what am I supposed to call you? Mom? Shelby?" I asked. "You can call me Shelby for now. I'm gonna have to get used to the Mom thing first."

3 Weeks Later

I was still in the hospital. My chest still hurts but I've been able to walk around. Shelby has been helping me. Anti brought over some clothes for me to change into so I don't have to wear a hospital gown the entire time. Now I was alone again. Visiting Hours were over. But Shelby is still here. I was playing on my laptop, that Dad dropped by, when I heard a knock on he door. The lights were out in my room so I couldn't see who it was. I got up and I opened the door, and to my guess, it was Shelby. "Hey! Is there anything wrong?" I said smiling. "No," She said walking in. "I was just wondering, can we possibly, you know....catch up?" I first confused but then it hit me. "Sure! I don't see why not."

I shut the door and I turned on the lights. I was stunned by the brightness for a moment but my eyes soon adjusted. Shelby had sat down in the floor, cross legged and I sat down in front of her. "So, what do you want to talk about?" I asked. "Umm, I was thinking that you can tell me how your well father did, you know, raising you?" She seemed really uncomfortable. I could understand why though.

I thought about the answer and I spoke. "He actually did well. When I was about 5 I could tell he was struggling a bit. Now he doesn't struggle anymore because I'm old enough to take care of myself. But of course he worries A LOT. When I first started dating Anti, he was skeptical but Anti has grown on him." I laughed but immediately stopped because it slightly hurt. She smiled then looked down. "I feel like it's my fault. I missed your entire life." She finally said. I grabbed her hand. "No it's not," I said. "I think it's kinda Dad's fault that he thought you were dead." She laughed. "Yeah! That asshole didn't wait long enough! He was always impatient." Shelby managed to say while laughing.

We both shared stories and we had a good laugh at every story. Soon our smiles faded. "I'm sorry I wasn't there for you." She moved a strand of hair out of my face. "It's fine. I understand why you feel bad. Plus, dad told me a lot of stories about you. He explained how you guys fell in love. To be honest, it was the best love story I've ever heard of, because it was my own parents." I said then hugged her. She hesitated then hugged me back. She backed away then told me that I probably need some sleep. I nodded then she got up and left. She also turned out the light before she left. I crawled into bed and I instantly fell asleep.

The Next Morning

I woke by someone shaking me. I looked up and I saw Shelby smiling slightly. "Morning sunshine! Guess what to day is." She said excitedly. "I think it's Wednesday." I said with a tired voice. "Correct! It is also the day where you get to go the fuck home!" She smiled wider. I sighed and I sat up. "Aw man. As I was just getting used to this place." I whined. "Well too bad! We need this room so get yo' ass up and get ready! And don't worry, I'll drive you home." Shelby said then she left the room.

I rolled my eyes and I slowly planted my feet onto the floor. "Holy crap!" I said when the bottom of my foot hit the cold surface. I quickly went over to the neatly made stack of new clothes that, I'm guessing, Shelby left. I looked at the shirt and it was just a plain black T-shirt with a 'Day of The Dead' style Marilyn Manson on the front. I slipped off the tank top I was wearing and put on the one I was holding. Next was just shorts. Not too short but just enough to make a man's imagination go wild (*Wink*). There was also a pair of socks and boots. The socks were mismatched but I didn't care. The boots were plain black combat boots.

Once I got done I realized that there was a small bag in the chair next to the bed. I looked inside and there was nothing in it so I just stuffed my other clothes in there. I gripped the shoulder strap and I slung the bag behind me. Before I left, I cleaned up the room and I also grabbed my laptop and I stuffed in the bag along with my clothes. I opened the door and I saw Shelby standing there. "Damn you get ready fast!" She exclaimed.

She had on normal clothes on which was a MCR shirt, ripped jeans, and a pair of pitch black All-Star Converse. She quickly grabbed my arm and she dragged me outside to her car. She got into the drivers side and I got in on the opposite side. "Let me guess, your house is, *insert random address here*." She said starting up the engine. I nodded. "Yep. That's the place." Then she stepped on the gas which kinda scared me a bit. "Woman! I'm in pain already! I do not need to get into another accident!"

"Plus! Killing your long-lost daughter does not make a good first impression!"

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