Chapter 18

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(3 Years Later)
Anti's POV

My eyes shot open and I gasped for air. My throat felt like it was on fire. I quickly sat up trying to take in my surroundings. My vision was blurry but all I saw was white walls. I groaned then there was footsteps. I heard someone speaking. I opened my eyes more realizing that I was in the hospital. I looked through the door window seeing Jack talking to a doctor. He pointed to me saying something incoherent. He opened the door and the doctor seemed shocked. "You're right. He is awake. Well, welcome back I guess." He said with an awkward smile.

"W-What happened to me?" I spoke. The doctor and Jack looked at each other. Jack nodded then the doctor left the room. Jack sat down in the chair next to my bed sighing. "After yours and (Y/N)'s disappearance, everyone started to look for you. After 4 days they found you lying in the middle of a park passed out. We brought you to the hospital and apparently you were in a coma. They didn't know what caused it until they did a scan of your brain. A strange black cloud was covering it showing that you've been cursed." Jack placed his head in his hands. "It's funny how this happened 3 years ago." He said looking back at me with a painful smile.

My eyes widened and what he just said. "3...3 Years?" I breathed out. He nodded slowly. "Oh my god..." I said before i started crying. "I left (Y/N) there. All alone... for 3 years." I said through my sobs. Jack got up and cradled me. "Its not your fault. You couldn't help it." He said trying his best to make me stop crying. Once I started crying, I just couldn't stop. Everything that had happened to me these past few years finally hit me. I just couldn't help but break down in my brothers arms. "I've tried my best to protect her but in the end, I just.....couldn't." I said into Jack's jacket. After 10 minutes of my ugly sobs, I finally calmed down. At this point I was a broken man.

I stared at nothing with determination and anger. "When I find him, I'm going to kill that son of a bitch."

Your POV

3 years have passed. I feel different, and I love it. Wilford has taught me so much. We've grown closer to each other. Some people would say a little too close but I don't care.

Wilford's POV

It was almost time. She's done well with her training. We both stood in a small room. (Y/N) had her head down and I grinning at her. "Darling, It's rude to not make eye contact." I said tapping my finger on my arm. She slowly lifted her head and she grinned. Her canines are as sharper than usual. She opened her eyes and there I saw true beauty. Her left eye was a bright pink and her right eye was a bright red. She giggled. "I like this new feeling you gave me. I wish it can last forever." She said, her voice echoed throughout the room. "Trust me, Love. It will. It always will." I said stepping towards here and I lifted her chin closing the gap between us. Her lips were like a drug to me. I just can't help myself. I picked her up then put her back to the wall. She wrapped her legs around my waist and I pinned her arms above her head. I bit her lip wanting more but she backed away. "Let's....wait until....afterwards. Think of it as Victory Sex." She said out of breath then giggled. I laughed with her then set her down. "Let's wait a little bit longer. 4 days tops." I said taking a step back.

"Aw, why do we have to wait even longer?" She complained getting closer to me and stroking her finger across my chest. "Because we need lover boy at full strength. Until then, you need to rest. You've done enough." I said moving her hair from her face. She sighed. "Fine." She started moving her finger in a circular motion. I grabbed her hand and I kissed her knuckles. "Now. Go rest. I'll be up in a moment." I told her. She nodded then did as told. I heard the door slam shut and I sighed. I closed my eyes trying to ease the frustration. I snapped my fingers and a dear friend appeared. "Ah, Wilford! Fancy me being here. Why did you zap me here?" This friend was a doctor. Fellow Counterpart I should say. He works at the hospital were Antisepticeye is. "I need information on Antisepticeye. How long does he have before he fully recovers?" I asked. "Umm, it's hard to say but I would say about 3 days." He shrugged his shoulders. "Good. Thank you." He nodded as soon as I snapped my fingers again making him disappear. I spun on my heels and walked out of the room.

I entered (Y/N)'s room and I saw her already asleep on the bed. I smiled to myself. I want her so bad but, I must respect her wishes. I saw her shift into a new position. She exhaled loudly then.....smiled? I wonder what she's dreaming about.

I can't believe myself right now. 3 years ago, my plan was to use and manipulate her. My plan was to turn her. Then as the years went by, I grown feelings for her. She's always on my mind. Now the time has come and I think that after everything is over with, I want her to stay with me forever......

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