Chapter 3

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Anti's POV

I told Jack about (Y/N) and I also told him about the date. "The movies is a terrible idea!" He exclaimed. "Really? Then, what should I do?" I asked. "Hmm. Bring her here. Don't worry, I won't get in the way." He said. I looked at him then I agreed. "Okay. I guess I'll go and get her." I said then I got up.

I ran back to (Y/N)'s house and when i got to the porch the lights turned on. They must be motioned sensors. When they came on a dog started barking. Then i knocked on the door. "Chica! Shut up!!" I heard (Y/N) yell on the other side of the door. She opened the door and i got instantly attacked by the dog. She was licking my face nonstop. "Mark! Come get your dog!" (Y/N) yelled. I was laughing because her tounge tickled. Then she was pulled away. I looked up and (Y/N) was holding her hand out. I grabbed it and she helped me up.

"So you must be Antisepticeye." A man said when I stood up. This must be her father. "Yes I am." He said before I said anything. (Y/N) came up behind and whispered in my ear. "He can read minds. Be careful what you think around him." I nodded. "By the way, I'm Darkiplier." Her father said holding out his hand. I shook it then pulled my hand away. "I heard that you were taking her to the movies." Dark said crossing his arms. "Yes sir. It was her idea actually." I said rubbing the back of my neck.

"Okay. Well (Y/N), you still need to get ready. Me and Antisepticeye here will, wait for you." Dark said then put his arm around my shoulder. I smiled nervously as she went to her room. We didn't talk to each other. There was just an awkward silence. "Dark. Big Bro. Stop making the boy uncomfortable. He just got here." A man said walking into the room. "I'm Mark by the way. I'm also Darkiplier's counterpart/little brother." He said taking a sip out of his drink. "You mean the YouTuber Mark?" I asked. He nodded. "Yep that would be me. Ya know, I was great friends with your brother Jack. I don't know what happened. We just stopped talking. Next time you see him, tell him Mark said hi." Then Mark left.

(Y/N) came out from the corner and she had changed her entire outfit. She had a purple t-shirt on with skinny jeans and a pair of vans/converse (you choose which one). She also pulled her hair up. She looked pretty cute with her hair up. "Her eyes are orange. What does that mean?" I asked Dark. "It means she's nervous. Be easy with her." He said then patted my back. I walked towards her and asked her if she was okay. She nodded and her eyes turned back to (E/C). I smiled and I grabbed her hand. Her eyes turned pink. "Okay. Well. You two can go have fun. But not to much fun." Dark said then moved out of the way.

We got out the door and went towards my house. "Um, by the way. There was a change of plans. We are going to my house instead of the movies because, the movies is not a great place to get to know each other more." I explained. "Oh. Well okay. Just don't try anything." She said putting her head on my shoulder. "I won't I promise."

We got to my house then I opened the door. "Let's go to my room." I said l then I led her upstairs. We passed Jack's room and then we went to the next door. I opened it and she went inside. I came in behind her then shut the door. I sat down on my bed and then patted a spot for her to sit down. I looked at her eyes and her eyes were orange again. She sat down next to me then I wrapped my arms around her. "What's today?" She asked. "I'm pretty sure it's Friday." I said rubbing her hand with my thumb. "Okay."

"Anti. I have a question." She said turning to me. "Two actually." She looked me in the eye. Her eyes were still orange. "What did Andrew mean when he called you a 'Cambion'? And why were your eyes pitch black?" She asked. "If you don't want to talk about it, that's okay." She said quickly. I sighed. "You deserve answers. Cambion means half-human, half-demon. Which is what I am. And my eyes went black because, it's the demon."

She looked at me weird. "What you see right now is the Half-Human part of me. But what's inside is the Half-Demon part. Sometimes it shows and it becomes dangerous. That's why I have to control it and it's why I have no friends." I explained. She put her hand on my cheek. "You have me." She smiled. I smiled back. "Yeah. I do."
But for how long?

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