Chapter 5

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Your POV

"Are you two love birds coming inside or what?" Dad said. After he did, Anti lost focus and it started pouring on us. We ran onto the porch and dad was laughing at us. "Shut up!" I said agitated. "No! I will not! I don't have too!" He said crossing his arms. "Whatever." I waved my hand and I walked past him. Anti was following behind me. "Um, since my clothes are soaking wet, I'll get Jack to drop some off for me. Also can I use your phone?" He said. I handed him my phone and then he sighed and showed me the password screen. I typed it in and he went into the next room.

I went to my room and then I picked out some dry clothes. I shut my door and then started changing into the dry clothes. I had put on some shorts then the door came open. "Jacks on his way. I think-" I turned around and it was Anti in the doorway. I was standing there without a shirt but thank goodness I had a bra on. "Ohmygod, I am so sorry. I should have knocked." Anti said blushing out of embarrassment. "It's fine I'm used to it and plus, if I was wearing a bathing suit top this is exactly what you would see. So calm down." I said putting my hand up. "Now get in here and shut the door." I walked over and grabbed the shirt that was on my bed and I put it on. Anti shut the door and walked in. "Sit on the floor, I don't want you to soak my bed." We both sat in the floor. "I saw the scars." Anti said quietly. I was confused at first but then I remembered. "Oh! It's not what you think! I got into a car accident like 4 months ago. I wasn't at school for like two weeks. You should remember that." I said trying to convince him. He looked at me for a moment. "I remember." He said flatly. "Anti please. I would never do something like that. You know that." I said getting more closer to him. He sighed then nodded.

My door opened and I looked and it was dad. "Antisepticeye, Jack's here." Anti nodded then got up. I followed him then I whispered in his ear. "Bring Jack in here and stall him, I'll go get Mark." I got out the door and I went to find Mark. "Mark. Where did ya go?" I called out. "In the kitchen." I heard him say. I went over and grabbed his arm. "Where are you taking me?" He asked following me. "You'll see." I said smiling.

When we turned a corner, Jack was in the living room trying to get past Anti. Mark realized what we were doing. "(Y/N) please no." He pleaded. "No. You will talk to him now." I said shoving him into Jack. Jack stumbled but then Mark caught him. Jack turned around and saw him holding his arm. "Mark?" He said questioning if it's really Mark. "Yeah. Long time no see." He said laughing. "I haven't seen you since the accident. So, since we haven't seen each other, how about we hang out sometime. Tomorrow hopefully?" Jack said coyly. Mark agreed.

I looked at Anti and he laughed silently. I was also giggling. After Jack left Mark looked at me with the 'I'm gonna kill you' look. So I ran up to my room with Mark chasing me. I got to the door and I quickly opened it and then I slammed it. I also locked it and leaned against it. Mark banged on the door. "(Y/N)! Open the damn door!" He yelled. "No! I'm really not in the mood to die today!" I yelled back. Mark stopped for a moment. "Hey (Y/N), it's Anti. Marks gone, you can come out now."

I unlocked the door and I slowly opened it. I looked around and Anti was right. I stepped out and then Mark came out of nowhere and tackled me. Mark had me pinned down to the floor. What sucked is that we have wooden floors so when I got tackled, it really hurt. "THE BETRAYAL!! THE BETRAYAL!!" I yelled trying to point to Anti.

I looked up as best as I could and I saw Anti laughing at me. "Okay, okay! Mark get off of her!" I heard dad say pulling Mark off of me. "Come on she deserves it!" Mark said complaining. "Shut up no she doesn't." He said holding he hand out for me. I grabbed it and he pulled me up. After I stood up I looked at Anti and he was still laughing. I punched him in the arm and then he started laughing harder. "Stop laughing and go change you doofus!" I said hitting his arm again. "Oh and by the way Mark! What was Jack talking about? What accident?" Mark hesitated. "T-That's a story for a another time. I don't think I'm ready to reveal that part of my history." Mark then just walked away. I glanced at Dad and he just shook his head saying "Don't Ask".

Anti finally went back and grabbed his clothes then went into the bathroom. I went back to my room and I grabbed my wet clothes. I walked to the laundry room and I threw the clothes into the washer. I went back to dad and he was sitting on the couch.

Anti's POV

I was looking for (Y/N) and then I saw her talking to Dark. "Hey dad. I have a question. What was mom like?" She asked. I hid behind a corner and I sat down. "She was great. What's funny is that she was human. Her name was Shelby. You are actually more like her than you think. She was outgoing, smart sometimes, and straight up hilarious." Dark explained.

"I remember the first time we met. Me, Mark and his girlfriend at the time, and Shelby were all at Shelby's house and, at the time, Mark was in the shower,"

*Flashback* (Darks POV)

"Don't. Even. Think about it." Mark's Girlfriend said pointing to Shelby. "Please. I want to see those nice abs of his." Shelby complained. "No! You are not walking into that bathroom." She argued. "She's right. And besides my abs are way more better than his." I said behind Shelby. She looked and saw me staring at her. Her face was instantly red. Probably didn't help the fact that I wasn't wearing a shirt, just to make my point. "Hi Dark." Shelby said waving her hand a little.


"I also remember that brief moment before she left. She was going downstairs with all her stuff. At the time I didn't know why she had all of it. Then out of nowhere she dropped it all. I helped her pick all of it up and then we had an awkward moment and she just left. Next thing I know we got a call saying that she was in the hospital. She had gotten into a car accident but she soon recovered. Then Marks girlfriend passed out from, something. Then I said something I shouldn't have and Mark almost punched me." He laughed a little. "Sorry getting off track, when Mark's girlfriend died I guess we just started dating after that. Not that long after everything that happened we had gotten married. Well, engaged. We never gotten to a wedding. Then she got pregnant with you, and when she went into labor, I took her to the hospital and when you came she saw you for a minute before flatlining. I tried to bring her back to life and so did the doctors but, it didn't work. Instead of putting you up for adoption, I kept you. Which was the best decision of my life."

Your POV

Dad's started to tear up . "I really miss her, and every time I look at you, I see her eyes. I see her smile." I saw a water streak go down his cheek. I pulled him into a hug. "She sounds great. Thanks. I know it was hard for you to talk about her." I pulled away. "Oh by the way. When do you think Mark will talk about the accident Jack mentioned." He shrugged his shoulders. "Who knows that was a hard time for all of us. Especially for Mark."

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