Chapter 19

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Anti's POV

After 4 days I'm finally allowed to leave this stupid hospital! The front doors slid open as we walked through. I had a blank expression and Jack finally noticed. "You okay?" He asked as we walked. "Yeah. I'm just . . . thinking. Wondering." I looked at him with the same expression. He nodded. "Okay. So I was told, by the police, that when you wake up you were required to immediately go to the station and answer questions." He said looking back at me. "You got the police involved. Nice." I said in monotone. "Well, I had too. We didn't have enough people to have a search party. So you can't blame me for worrying about my little brother." He said, his mouth becoming a hard line. "Define We." I asked as we continued to walk, as what I'm guessing, to the police station. "Me, Mark and Dark."

We walked through the front door of the station and it was very crowded. We went to the front desk, telling the lady that I was here. She held up a finger in a sassy way. I don't blame her. "Go to the last interrogation room on your left honey." She finally said. I nodded and glanced at Jack who had already sat down in a chair. He nodded as if saying 'Go on. I'll wait'. I sighed as I walked down the hallway.

I reached the last room where I'm going to be interrogated. I took a deep breath then slowly opened the door. I peeked inside seeing a man at a desk. He noticed me in the doorway with a small, while fake, smile. "Hello Antisepticeye." He said as I stepped more inside while closing the door. He held out his hand and I shook it. He told me just to sit down and relax because he noted that I was nervous. He pulled out a piece of paper with a pencil. "I'm Mr. Stephenson, you can call me Tyler if you want, and you are here to answer some questions about (Y/N) Fischbach's disappearance." He said calmly, not losing eye contact. I took another deep breath in attempt to calm my rapidly beating heart. If I'm honest, I'm nervous . . . and scared.

"First question: Where were you two when you disappeared?"

"At the cliff, near the Lighthouse." He jotted my answer down on the paper.

"Second: Do you know who was the cause of it?"

"Yes, Wilford Warfstache. Counterpart of Mark Fischbach."

"Third: Why did he want you two specificly?"

"To be honest, I can't remember why. I've been in a coma for 3 fucking years. You'd expect me to not remember some things."

"Calm down. Fourth: Did said person torture you and/or (Y/N) in any way shape or form? If so, please specify."

"Not really. He only used Pheromones."

"Fifth and final question: Why did you leave her behind?"

I quickly stood up after he said the question. "I am not answering that question." I said through my teeth. "Please sir, it's necessary." I sighed. "The only thing that's necessary Is me leaving this interrogation." I said walking out the door.

I saw Jack walking back and forth across the area. He glanced up, noticing my facial expression, and his mood changed. I continued to walk out the door as he followed behind me. "Why are so mad?" He asked trying to keep up. I was trying to get as far away from the station as possible. "I'm not mad." I said not looking at him. "Then why are walking so fast?!" He said grabbing my shoulder. "Look whatever they did, forget about it! We will find (Y/N)! At least have that going for you." He said not breaking eye contact. I nodded. "Alright. Can you let me go now?" He loosened his grip on me. "Thanks." I turned around and began to walk away.

Soon enough we reached home from the station. By now it's 4:30. I open the door to find Mark and Dark. They turned to me with shocked faces. I ignored them and went up to my room. The door slammed when I shut it. Didn't mean to but whatever. I laid down in my own bed and enjoyed the comfort. I hugged my pillow wishing it was (Y/N). I felt a lump on my throat but quickly pushed it down. I took a quick breath in attempt to calm myself. I don't want to cry but I just can't help it. I miss her. I want her back. We need to find Wilford now.

I heard a knock at my door. "Anti. You might want to come see this."

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