Chapter 20

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Anti's POV

"Anti, you might want to come see this."

I quickly stood up and followed him to the living room. When we got there Wilford was pinned to the ground. Dark had one of his arms on the floor and the other was between his shoulder blades. "Where the hell is my daughter!" Dark yelled. Wilford just chuckled. "You'll know soon enough. And so will lover boy over there." He said through laughs. "I swear to god if you say that one more time I will break your fucking arm." He said through his teeth. "What the hell do you want." I wanted to cut to the point. "I'm just giving you an update on sweet little (Y/N). I want you and Dark to meet me by the Lighthouse at midnight to tonight. We have a little surprise for you both." He smirked then disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

After it cleared, I stared at my feet the entire time. I slammed my fist against the wall which made everyone jump. "That bastard!" I yelled. I felt the lump in my throat again and my eyes started stinging. I shut my eyes while shaking my head. Then I felt hands on my shoulders. "Anti look at me. Look at me!" Jack said forcing my head up to make my eyes meet his. "We will get her back. Ya hear me? I promise." He whispered. I nodded and pulled him into a tight hug. I cried into his shoulder as he rubbed my back. "Hey, stop crying now." He pulled away and wiped the tears from my face. "Stop, I'm not a kid anymore." I said smiling. "I don't care, you're still my little brother." He said pulling me into a headlock. "Hey! Let me go!" I exclaimed trying to pry his arm away from my neck. "Nope! Don't have to!" He laughed. "Mark! Help me out here!" I reached out to Mark. "If you insist." He said calmly. He stood up and walked slowly to Jack. "Don't you dare." He tried to sound intimidating. "Oh, I do dare." Mark said before he started tickling his armpits and rib cage.

Jack became a giggling mess as he let go of my neck. "No! St-HAHA-OP PLEASE!" He said through his fits of laughter. I looked up at Dark and he was smiling. "Hey. You doing okay?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not sure how I feel right now." He said still while smiling. "He said midnight tonight. I guess we'll meet them there." I said putting my hands in my pockets. He nodded. "We technically have no choice. So we have to meet them there." He said watching the couple hold each other. "Look at them. They are so happy together. I don't understand why the world is so against people who are different. I'm half human/half demon and I got picked on. Why does the world have to be so cruel?" I asked, more to myself than anything. Mark and Jack put their foreheads together. I sighed. They turned to us and saw that we were staring at them. Their faces turned tomato red. Me and Dark laughed when they saw us. Dark sighed. "To answer your question, it's just the way humanity and fate is. As much as I hate to say it but, we all have those bad moments in life. And we have to get through those to get to the good moments." He said while still looking forward. "Let's just hope these bad moments end soon."

(12:00) Midnight
Your POV

I waited patiently by the Lighthouse as Wilford requested. 3 years I've waited. 3 years I've trained. Now, "It's time." He whispered in my ear. The clock struck Midnight while in the distance two people approached. Dark and Antisepticeye. I smirked then took a step forward only to be held back by my shoulder. "Not yet." He said. I huffed and took back my one step. He walked towards them and yelled, "Look who decided to show up!" They both stopped and didn't say anything.

"I'm guessing that you are looking for a fight. Lets just get this over with." Dark said setting his shoulders back. Me and Wilford laughed. "Oh Dark. You're not going to fight me. You're fighting her." He said gesturing his hand towards me. Shock spread across their faces as I smirked. "Get Them." Wilford's voice whispered in my ear.

I stepped towards them and circled them. They didn't move not even their heads. Just their eyes. I got back to where I am facing them. I waited and then lunged at them. I punched Anti then Dark. I pushed Anti away and then turned to see a fist coming at my nose. The hit landed making me take a step back. I kicked Dark in the stomach which made him fall to the ground. After that he didn't get back up. I turned back to Anti who was waiting for me to come at him.

"(Y/N) stop. This isn't you." Anti said dodging my punches. "I don't think I want to. I like this new feeling. The feeling of blood lust." I said hitting him in the nose. He covered his nose with his hand and waited. He wiped away the blood and continued the fight. "What did Wilford do to you? (Y/N), you need to snap out of this! Remember who you are! Remember the real you!" He said while, again, dodging my attacks. "How can I remember if all I can think about is when you left me!" He was stunned by what I've just said. "You left me there to die! You just wanted to save yourself! Because of that," I punched in the stomach then he bent down giving the change to knee him in the head. He fell backwards and he didn't get back up. "because of that, you are nothing to me." I spat at him. He leaned back on his elbows staring up at me. I felt a rain drop pelt my hair. Then another and another. Not long afterwards it started to downpour. I looked down at Anti. This moment looked familiar.

A smile spread across his face.

My eyes widened. "Holy shit." I whispered. I stepped back and tripped on my own feet. I fell back onto the ground and just sat there. I put my head in my hands. I pulled my hair back and then a hand was placed on my shoulder. I looked up to see Dad with a tear stained face. He held out his hand for me to grab it. I did and he pulled me up. I hugged him as tight as I could and so did he. I felt like crying but I didn't want to. I looked up at him. "Dad I am so sorry. I didn't mean to I promise." I said my voice shaking. "Its okay. I'm sorry I punched you the mouth." He said pointing to my busted lip. After a moment I heard footsteps. I turned to see Anti with bruises everywhere on his face. I wanted this moment to last forever but it was suddenly disrupted by Wilford.

"No, No, NO! You two were supposed to die! My magic is not that weak!" He yelled. Dad let me go and pushed me towards Anti. "Wilford. Aren't you forgetting something?" Dad said grinning. "What exactly am I forgetting Dark. Huh?" He said outstretching his arms. "You forgot that we are counterparts. I can do the exact thing you did to (Y/N). I can also reverse it. And that's exactly what I did." He said casually. Suddenly he turned around to us. "Anti. Take (Y/N) and get as far from here as possible. I'll meet you guys back at the house." He said. Anti nodded. "No. I can't leave you here! You'll die!" I yelled at him. "I know." He said with a sad smile. "Promise me! Promise me you'll come back to me!" I said as Anti grabbed my waist. Dad nodded. "Of course."

"(Y/N). We need to leave now." Anti said. I nodded then quickly kissed Dad's forehead. "Good luck." I said before we started running the other direction. As we ran we held hands. I didn't look back no matter how much I wanted to.

(Time Skip)

We reached the house bursting through the door. Jack's and Mark's eyes immediately turned to us. "(Y/N)!" Jack started. "You're back!" Mark finished. My knees hit the floor out of exhaustion. My breathing was totally off balance and so was Anti's. The Lighthouse was not a short distance away. "Wait, where's Dark?" Mark asked. "He.....stayed behind." Anti answered, out of breath. "Oh no. I have to go after him." Mark pushed his hair back and headed for the door. "Mark don't! You will die!" I yelled grabbing his arm. "I'm sorry. They're my counterparts. It's my problem and mine alone. Plus, Wilford has fucked with my life way too much." He said pulling his arm from my grip. Not long Jack stopped him at the door; his eyes locked onto the floor. Suddenly he grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him down. Their lips connected and the inner fangirl in me started screeching. They came apart from the moment a minute later. Jack's eye where still focused on the ground. "Just promise me that you'll come home safely." Jack said. Mark placed his finger under Jack's chin then lifted his head. "I promise." He said simply. With those two words Jack broke down. They embraced each other but soon backed away. Mark kissed Jack's forehead and walked out the door.

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