Valentine's Day Special

372 13 4

Your POV

I was my house just chilling. Watching my favorite tv show. Then Anti busts through the door and all I hear is "HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!" I started laughing. I looked at him and he was wearing heart-shaped sunglasses, a shirt that was red the said 'Happy Valentine's Day', and he was in his underwear. I couldn't stop laughing at this point. "The hell you laughin' at?" He said smiling, throwing confetti at me.

"Oh nothing." I said. "Just the fact that you're wearing all of that." I managed to calm down, for now. "Well I'm just in the holiday spirit!" He yelled out. He then jumped into the spot next to me. He engulfed me in a hug. "You're a gigantic goof. You know that?" I said throwing a couple pieces of confetti back at him. "I do know that." He said in a cutesy voice. I tapped his nose and he looked at me weird. Then I kissed him on the nose. "I remember when you first did that. It was about, 6 months ago I'm pretty sure, when I discovered my power." He explained. I thought about it for a moment. "Yeah I guess you're right. Okay, since we cleared stuff up, can you at least put on some pants."
I know this isn't an official update but, I thought I would at least do something for Valentine's Day. But even so it is 3 days after the ACTUAL day, which I apologize for. I was planning on it to be on the 14th but school decided to be a douche canoe sooo.......yeah

Hope this at least helped, somewhat

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