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Anti and I sat down on the couch and sighed. Quiet giggles were heard behind us. Then small hands covered my eyes. "Guess who!" Two girls said excitedly. "Hmm. I'm thinking that's it's, Kasey!" I said grabbing her hands. "And I'm thinking it's Katrina!" Anti said. "Correct!" They said. They uncovered our eyes and laughed. Kasey and Katrina were twins. Also our daughters.

Anti and I moved farther up the west coast to a beach house. Away from everything. Kasey and Katrina seem to love it. They are turning 7 in a few days. We take turns taking them back and forth to school. They love school. They made a lot of friends there.

We love it here.

"Hey. How I take everyone somewhere?" Anti proposed. "Are you going to show us we're you met Mommy?" Katrina asked. Her green and blue eyes shinning. I giggled. "Not today. Somewhere better." He smiled. "Okay!" They both said. They're always filled with excitement and curiosity that it almost kills me. I also have an idea on where he's taking us. "Alright let's go!" We got up and headed to the car.

We soon arrived in our hometown. We passed our old neighborhood homes. I smiled to myself. He parked off-road and we walked to the waterfall. The sun was just now setting. 3...2...1...aaand cue the rainbows! I thought to myself. Both of them gasped. Same reaction I had. We all sat down in the grass and watched the rainbows get brighter and brighter. "And this is where Daddy asked Mommy to marry him." Anti said. "Awww!" They both exclaimed. They hugged us. "I'm so glad this place exists!" Kasey said smiling. "Why is that?" I asked. "Because you guys wouldn't be my Mommy and Daddy if it didn't exist!" She giggled. Anti and I looked at each other and laughed.

"Yeah, without this place I wouldn't have gone on an interesting adventure." I said brushing Kasey's hair with my fingers. "Adventure! Tell us about the Adventure!" They said. "Okay. Well, let's go way back. To where I met your father." I took a deep breath and began the story.

"I set my stuff down on the table and started getting ready for class......"

Love Notes (Anti x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now