Chapter 7

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Your POV

Andrew's hand came across my cheek and I instantly fell. When I hit the ground Anti was already on top of Andrew punching him. Andrew kicked Anti away and grabbed the collar of Anti's shirt. He pulled his fist back and he hit him in the nose repeatedly. When Andrew let go, Anti hit the ground hard. He started kicking him in the ribs over and over again. "Andrew stop!" I yelled out. He finally stopped and he backed away. He turned to me and then he grabbed my neck. He lifted me off the ground and he slammed me against the wall. My vision started to blur. I tried to pry his hand away but it was no use. "Hey asshole!" Someone yelled. Andrew released my neck and when I inhaled it almost hurt. I looked up to see Anti stomping on Andrew's stomach. I specifically looked at Anti's eyes. They were pitch black! I need to stop him. I thought but I couldn't speak. It hurt to say anything. "Anti." It seemed as I whispered it. I repeated his name again, a bit louder this time. He stomped on Andrew's stomach once again. "Anti!" I managed to yell. He stopped and then he blinked and his eyes were back to normal. He backed away slowly and he saw me out of the corner of his eye.

He stepped towards me and he seemed surprised that I didn't flinch. He grabbed my arm and lifted my up. We started walking back home. I wanted to look back at Andrew to check to see if he was still breathing but I couldn't.

I recognized the street we were on and I saw that we were almost at my house. I stared at the ground the entire way. Then my knees just gave out. I hit the ground and the tears I was holding in spilled out. Anti saw me crying and he came down to my level. He embraced me tightly. "I thought you were going to kill him!" I said into his chest. "I'm sorry (Y/N). I didn't mean to scare you. I lost control and I didn't mean to almost kill him." He explained. I wrapped my arm around him but I quickly pulled away when Anti hissed in pain. "I think a couple ribs are broken." I said jokingly. Anti laughed but then he said "ow". "It really hurts to laugh." He said smiling. I started laughing out of nowhere and so did Anti. I can't help but laugh. Anti tried not to but he was laughing harder than me. "Okay we need to stop. Or you'll crack another rib." I said standing up. "You think you'll be fine walking home by yourself?" He asked me. "Yeah. I've only got a sore neck and maybe a concussion. You've got ribs and nose." I said hitting him in the stomach and poking him on the forehead. We kissed and said goodbye then went in two directions.

Anti's POV

As I slowly walked away from her, the pain finally hit me. It really hurt to breathe. I couldn't get a good breath. Then I felt my knees hit the ground. I heard running and then i felt hands around my arm. "I knew it. C'mon. Get up, I'm taking you home." I looked up and it was (Y/N). "You followed me?" I asked changing the subject. "Yes! Because I knew that this was going to happen. Now, how far away are we to you house?" She asked. I pointed to the third house. "Damn. You really do live close to me." She mumbled.

We got there and she knocked on the door. Instead of Jack there, Mark opened the door. His hair was all messy and his shirt was on backwards (*wink*). He had smile but it faded. He called for Jack and he came to the door. "What happened?" He asked instantly. "Anti is injured. He think he cracked a couple ribs." She explained. I looked up at Jack and he nodded. "Alright come inside. Mark get the first aid kit. It's in the bathroom." Mark nodded then walked away. Jack opened the door more and let us in. I lead Anti to the couch and he sat down. He grunted loudly on impact.

Mark came back with a box in his hand. Jack took it from him and then opened it. "Alright lift the shirt." Jack demanded. It took Anti a moment to take it off but he managed to. He was thin but he was muscular. Just enough to make me stare. He caught me and instantly looked away. I heard him laugh a little.

Looked back up and Jack asked where it hurt the most. He said that it was the bottom part on the right. Jack felt around that area and he said that nothing was broken but probably severely bruised. "All we can do now is rap it up and hope you don't hurt yourself even more." Jack said grabbing the bandages from the kit. "Stand up and lift your arms." Jack said and then waited.

Anti slowly stood up then he lifted his arms as told. He groaned a little when Jack was wrapping his chest. Anti sat back down and by accident his hand landed on mine. I smiled and so did he. I felt my phone buzz and I pulled it out of my pocket. There were two missed calls and several texts. "See what I mean." I said showing my phone to Anti. "Damn, you weren't kidding."

The texts said:
Dad: Are walking home again?
Dad: Hello?
Dad: Woman answer me!
Dad: Stop ignoring me!!

I sighed and I texted back saying:
You: Calm. Down. I'm at Antisepticeye's house. There was an, incident. I'll explain when I get home.

He texted back saying that he understood. "So. What you two be up too?" Anti asked Jack and Mark. Both of them blushed deeply. "Well um," Mark started then Jack side stepped towards Mark. I looked at their hands and they were intertwined (sorry if don't ship it). "We're together."

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