Chapter 21

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As much as it pains me to say it but . . . This is the last chapter in this story. Yep. After this there will be an Epilogue and then an Authors Note. Prepare for the longest chapter in this entire story! So . . . enjoy the last chapter of Love Notes.

Mark's POV

I walked slowly to the Lighthouse, my mind racing with questions. Oh god, what am I doing. Can I do this? How am I going to do this? Will I ever see Jack again? The last question scared me. I froze. I saw the Lighthouse beam coming from the top. I took a deep breath and continued walking. I heard someone grunting and yelling. I reached the peak of the hill to see Wilford and Dark fighting. Dark was losing terribly. Wilford kicked him down to the ground only for Dark to try and get back up. He was soon pushed back down and forced to stay. Wilford leaned down towards his head then grabbed his hair pulling his face up forcefully. He whisper something in his ear while a knife appeared in his hand, Looking like he was going to slice his throat. Before he could do anything I yelled out. "Hey! Wilford! I think it's about time we have a little discussion." He quickly turned his head towards me. A smirk appeared on his face. I stood up straight forcing my mouth into hard line. "Well look at what we have over here! Mark Edward Fischbach!" Wilford said letting go of Dark. My heart started racing.

"Mark what are you doing? You're gonna get yourself killed." Dark said trying to stand. "Yeah Markimoo. You wouldn't want to end up like your last friend that tried to test me." I looked over at Dark, seeing all the bruises that he collected. (Y/N) would be devastated if she had been told he was dead. They have made such a good father/daughter bond. I'd hate to see it crash and burn. Wilford had walked away from Dark to get closer to me. But I stepped more and more closer the to Dark. I finally reached him just in time before he fell. "I have a plan." I whispered. He looked at me weird. "Okay. He's clearly stronger than before. So how about we weaken him." I suggest. "How are we going to do that?" He said while coughing. "You're not gonna like it. It includes someone." I said looking him straight in the eye. Confusion was plastered across his face but then it hit him. "Oh hell no. That's not an option!" He stood straight up. "We have no choice. If we have any chance in beating him, we have to do this." He sighed. "Fine. Just, keep her safe." I nodded. I pulled out my phone then called Jack. He instantly answered.

Your POV

"Mark! Are you okay!? What's wrong?" Jack practically yelled. His face turned from worried to shocked. He turned to me staring into my eyes. He handed me the phone hesitantly. I placed to my ear and heard Mark's voice. "(Y/N). You need to come back to the Lighthouse. Me and Dark have a plan." He explained. "Okay. I'm on the way." I said then pressed End. I looked over to Anti, his cheeks tear stained. "Anti. I promise I'll be back. Don't worry about me." I said moving a strand of hair from his face. I kissed his forehead then smiled softly. I took a deep breath making my way to the door. I opened it but before I could step out a pair of arms hugged my waist. Anti's voice whispered in my ear. "Please come back to me." Soon after he let go I started walking to the Lighthouse.

Once I arrived, Wilford's eyes darted to me. "Oh! Welcome back darling! How about you come give me a kiss?" He said smirking. I looked over at Dad who has holding himself back. I flipped him off then walked over to Mark. "So. I'm here. I'm guessing you have a plan that involves me. How did Dad react to this plan?" I asked. "I do have a plan and he really didn't like cause it involves you." He answered. "But we have no choice. So anyway. The plan is..." The rest he whispered in my ear. I nodded when he finished. The plan was simple. I just need to distract him with Dad. While Mark waited for something. He doesn't know what yet but he'll figure it out.

I looked over to Dad. "You ready?" I asked. He nodded. "Let's do this." I said. We stepped closer to Wilford. "Well. Well. Father and Daughter. This is getting better by the minute! Let's have some fun!" He said then disappeared. I looked around. Nowhere to be seen. You will come back to me. His voice rang in my head. After Wilford appeared in front of me punching me in the stomach then in the face. I stumbled then used my telekinesis to pick him up then slammed him to the ground. "Nice one! You're gonna have to teach me that!" Dad joked. "Not the time. Also, you could be helping!" I said dodging his attacks. "Right."

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