Chapter 12

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Your POV

Shelby finally got me home in one piece. When she pulled into the driveway I let out a heavy sigh and I quickly got out. I thanked her for taking me home and she took off. I opened the door and the first thing I said was, "Sup Fuckers!" Then I heard a voice somewhere. "(Y/N)! Language!" I giggled a little. Then Mark came around the corner. "Hey Mark! Where's Dad?" I asked him. "He went out." He smiled. "Out where?" I questioned him. "I ain't tellin' you!" He said then ran off. I scoffed and I went to my room.

I closed the door and I jumped onto my bed. Oh, how I missed my bed! I covered myself up and I took in the smell of the blankets. I missed it so much. I was about to fall asleep but a heard a knock at my door. I groaned and I got up to see who was there. I opened the door and Anti was there. When the hell did he get here? I asked myself. "Hey." He said smiling sweetly. "Hello." I said smiling back. "Is it okay if I take you somewhere?" He asked. "Yeah, I just have to tell Mark though." I said. He nodded then he stepped to the side to let me through. I walked past him and smiled. I made my way to Mark's room and I knocked on the door. I heard a "Come in" from the other side. I opened the door and Mark was laying on his bed. "Hey, I just wanted to let you know that Anti is going to take me somewhere so, just wanted to let you know." He nodded and said 'Kay'. I shut the door and Mark yelled out "Try not to get shot!". "Hardy Har!"

I went back to Anti and he was playing on his phone. "Okay! I'm back!" I announced when I walked in. He looked up at me and smiled. "You ready to go?" He asked. I nodded and so did he. "Good. Shall we get going?" He said pointing to the door. "We shall." I said going over to the front door and opened it. "Come on! You're the one that's dragging me away from my own home." I said walking outside.

Time Skip

We reach the top of a hill and it was an overlook of the entire town. It was right next to a light house that I didn't even know this town had. I saw a bench that was slightly at the edge of the cliff. I sat down and I took in the the view. It was absolutely breathtaking. Then I heard the shutter of a camera. I turned around and I saw Anti with his phone camera pointed towards me. I smiled at him and he came and sat down next to me. We both sat there in silence, staring straight forward. But then the peace was disrupted by something beside that lighthouse.

Anti and I quickly stood up and we waited. "Who's there?" Anti called out. After that, a body appeared. They look injured. "You just couldn't stay dead. Could you." The voice sounded familiar. They were facing down. Then, I realized who it was. "Andrew. What the hell are you doing here." Anti said with anger in each word. "Oh, Antisepticeye. The school Cambion. Ya know, you were my friend before. Then when Miss Shitstick showed up and you started to become a real asshole. What happened buddy? I thought we friends. I thought . . . you loved me." Andrew's voice cracked. I was confused. "I thought you loved me". Those words rang in my head. "Anti? What is he talking about?" I asked keeping my guard up. "I-I..." He stuttered. "You never told her." Andrew scoffed. "Figures. Anyway Sweetcakes. I'll fill you in on the story." He started. "Andrew don't. Please." Now Anti's voice was cracking. "No! She needs to know!" Andrew yelled holding up a gun to Anti. "Now shut up. (Y/N). It all started at the beginning of 11th grade. Antisepticeye and me, we best friends and more. We held hands to and from each class. Shit, we've made out once or twice. A couple weeks later, your skanky ass decided to ruin that for me. He broke up with me and decided to chase after you. And now, this year, he's finally decided to make a move. And so am I. I'm going to do something I shoulda done a while ago." After he said that, a loud bang was heard and Anti was thrown back. Then realization hit me. He had just been shot! I ran towards him and then I heard another loud bang. I quickly put up my hands as I deflected the bullet that came at me. It went back towards him and it hit him right in the forehead. My eyes widened. Holy shit! Did I just kill him? Fuck! I did! I mentally yelled at myself.

I quickly looked back down and I pressed my hand against the wound. He winced and grabbed my hand. "I don't think I'm gonna make it." He said looking up at me. "No no no no no. Don't say that." I said moving a strand of hair away from his face. "We're too far away from the hospital. I won't make it." He said his voice cracking. "No! Stop saying that. You can't leave me." I said breaking down into tears. I pulled him closer to me. He lifted his head and placed his forehead against mine. "I Love You." He said looking into my eyes. Which slowly closed as he became cold and limp.

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