Chapter 4

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Your POV

We were in the living room watching a movie. Anti had his arm wrapped around me. I felt my phone vibrate and I looked at my phone and I saw a text from my dad.

Dad: When are you coming home? Plus (I'm doing this because I love you) if Antisepticeye wants to stay over tonight, he can

I smiled then I turned to Anti. "Your eyes are purple. Why? What did you find out?" Anti asked when he saw me smiling. "Would you like to stay at my place tonight?" I asked. He nodded. "I just to ask Jack real quick." He said then got up.

Anti's POV

I got up and I went upstairs. I went to Jack's door and I knocked. "Hey Jack. Can I ask you something." I said then I opened the door. Jack was playing his guitar. He seemed to be really focused on it so I just stayed quiet. He didn't notice I was there and he started singing.

Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when September ends
Like my fathers come to pass
Seven years has gone so fast
Wake me up when September ends

Here comes the rain again
Falling from the stars
Drenched in my pain again
Becoming who we are
As my memory rests
But never forgets what I lost
Wake me up when September ends

"Wow. I never knew you were an awesome singer." I said walking more into the room. "W-What? I wasn't singing." Jack said embarrassed. "Sure you weren't. Anyway. Can I stay at (Y/N)'s house tonight?" I asked. He said I could. I was about to walk away but then i remembered something. "By the way, Mark said hey." I said then I shut the door. Before I did I looked back and there was shock but I saw a small smile on his face.

I came back downstairs and (Y/N) was on the couch playing on her phone. I snuck up on her and I saw what she was doing. She was looking at Instagram. There was a lot of Yuri!! On Ice posts. She pressed the middle button and when she tapped the photo option, I made a funny face with peace signs. When she saw me she gasped and dropped her phone. She turned around and she softly slapped me. "You jerk! What have I told you about scaring me! I don't like it!" She yelled. I laughed at her. "I'm sorry. It's just funny." I said while laughing. "It's not funny!" She yelled then punched my arm. "Alright. Alright. I'm sorry. By the way, Jack said that I could stay at your place. So I guess we should get going."

She got up and I held my hand out for her to grab. When she did I yelled bye to Jack and then we left. It was dark out so (Y/N) had a tight grip on me. We had the street lamps to guide us back to her house. We were still walking when we felt a drizzle. "Damn it. It's starting to rain." I said to myself. "Then I guess we better hurry." (Y/N) said. Then we started walking faster.

Our fast walking started to become competitive really quickly. Next thing I know, I'm in a full sprint. I get to her driveway and (Y/N) was coming up close. When she got to me I quickly grabbed her and I kept her from going any further. "What are you doing?" She said while laughing and trying to kick me away. "Keeping you from beating me." I said still having my grip on her. She finally preyed herself away and she ran to the door. Before she opened it she looked back at me. I was smiling and I was getting soaked in the rain. From the porch she asked what I was doing. I think she did, I wasn't paying attention. I looked up at the sky and I thought maybe I could see if I can control water. I concentrated really hard and then I waved my hand above my head. All of a sudden, I wasn't getting soaked anymore. Rain was falling down everywhere else except for where I was standing. I felt a big smile come across my face. (Y/N) saw it too. "You can control water!" She said then ran towards me. She threw her arms around me tightly. "Congratulations! You figured out your power!" She said excitedly and then planted a kiss on my nose. "Why did you kiss my nose?" I asked. "Because I am your girlfriend and because I can." She said then kissed me again on the nose.

We stood there laughing, her arms still wrapped around me. Then the porch lights started turning off and on. We looked at the door and it was Darkiplier. "Are you two love birds gonna come inside or what?"

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