Chapter 9.5

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(Day of Concert)

Anti's POV

I woke up that night and I saw (Y/N) sleeping peacefully. She was laying on my arm as she was gripping my hand. I smiled and I slowly got up. She had a tight grip on my hand so I just reached over for my phone. The brightness was all the way up so I was instantly blinded. I looked at the time and it said 1:00 am. I sighed then I closed my eyes again attempting to go back to sleep.

Time Skip

I woke up again by (Y/N) flinching slightly. I pulled her in closer to me and she relaxed. About an hour later she finally woke up. She turned to me and smiled. "Morning." I said smiling back. "Is the concert today or tomorrow?" She asked putting her head on my chest. "It's tonight at 5:00, and right now it's.." I quickly got my phone and I looked at it. "It's 10:37 am and I guess we need to leave at 4:00." I continued. "M'kay." She mumbled then sat up. She stretched then walked to the bathroom. She came back out then she went to her bags and she grabbed a pair of shorts and a new shirt. She slipped her shirt off and she put the new one on. She did the same for the shorts. (Y/N) looked over and caught me staring. She threw her shirt at me. "Whatcha starin' at?" She said putting her clothes in her bag. I laughed a little. She jumped back onto the bed and she laid on top of me.

She sighed. "What's wrong?" I asked stroking her hair. She kept on staring forward. I looked at her face and she was asleep again. I shook her and said "Woman! You can't fall asleep!" She groaned. "Like hell I can't!" She mumbled. "Like hell you won't." I said then I pushed her off. She fell in the floor and there was a loud thud. "Ow!!" She yelled out. I started laughing. "The fuck you laughin' at!?" She yelled at me. I stopped laughing but I had a giant smile on my face trying to conceal the laughter. "Nothing." I said before I started up again.

She punched my arm then got up. It hurt but I was still laughing. I started to calm down after a while of crying/laughing. "Are you done yet?" (Y/N) asked while stepping out of the kitchen area with a can of soda in her hand. I took a deep breath. "I think so." I said sitting up.

Time Skip

"You all set?" I asked her. (Y/N) nodded and we headed out the door. "What's cool about this is that we get to walk to the concert!" I mentioned while shutting and locking the door. We exited the building and I said that the concert was to the left. About 15 minutes later we were already there. We found our seat, which was on the second floor, and we waited for the concert to start. Once it started, (Y/N) stood up and she started cheering. She sang along to every song. Even the very fast parts! She really likes them.

After the concert we started walking home. We were laughing, just having a good time. But then out of nowhere, (Y/N) said that she felt uneasy. "Something doesn't feel right." After what was said I couldn't believe my eyes . . . . . .
Sorry that I haven't updated in a while! Terrible writers block! I had no ideas for while

So I hope that this isn't bad.

Plus: you'll understand why it's a half part later

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