Chapter 8

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Your POV

"No! Way! Guys this is amazing!" I jumped up and hugged them. Both of them laughed. "Well thanks. I guess." Jack said. I backed away and then I looked at Mark. "So, are you glad that I shoved you into him now?" I asked him. "I'm still gonna kill you for that but, yeah. Thanks." He said smiling. Then he whispered to himself saying "I guess this is who she meant." I shot him a confused look and then I looked back at Anti who was staring at his phone. I went next to him and asked "Whatcha doin'?" He showed me his phone and it was Jack, singing! "Oh my god. Did you record it?" I asked. He nodded. "Don't tell Jack I uploaded it to his channel. He made a mistake giving me his YouTube information." He said with a smirk.

I laughed a little. "Hey let's go up to my room." Anti suggested. I agreed and he slowly got up. We walked up the stairs and we went into his room. "You know what I just realized. Your nose is bleeding terribly." I pointed out. He put his finger under his nose and he looked and there was blood. "Yeah, I'll be back." He said then left the room.

I walked to his bed then I sat down on the edge. I pulled out my phone and I started scrolling through my photos. I smiled as I looked at them. Great memories with friends, family. But then I came across a photo that I thought I had deleted. It was me and Andrew kissing. I stared at it for a while until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped a little then I saw that Anti was already back.

"You still like him, don't you?" I looked and it was Anti with a hurt expression on his face. "No. God no! He fucking slapped me! I would never like him after that!" I said loudly. I deleted the photo and then I threw my phone into one of the pillows. He grabbed my phone then laid down where it landed. He set down on the bedside table and then patted the place next to him. I crawled over him and I laid down next to him. I was on his left side so I wasn't hurting him.

He wrapped his arm around me and pulled me in closer. There was a peaceful silence. It wasn't long before I heard soft snores coming from Anti. I smiled and then I drifted off to sleep.


*HUGE Time Skip: December 31st (11:56 pm)*

It was almost midnight. Everyone gathered at my house. Anti, Dad, Jack, Mark, and Dads girlfriend, (F/N) (Friends name). (Sorry if your friends a guy) She's not bad. She's nice, funny, but I don't think my dad likes her. His heart is still with my mom. It's 11:59 pm and everyone is counting down.

Anti's POV

5....4....3....2....1, "Happy New Year!" Everyone shouted. I grabbed (Y/N) and pulled her in. My lips landed on hers and we stayed until Dark told us to stop. I backed away and smiled. "Got any New Years Resolutions?" I asked jokingly. She shook her head. "Nope. Nothing I can think of. I already have everything I wished for." She laughed a little.

Everyone was having a great time. Jack and Mark were being all coy to each other. I slid away from (Y/N) and I went towards Dark. "Hey, you said (Y/N)'s birthday is the 4th right?" I asked him. He nodded. "Yeah. What are planning on doing?" He asked. "Um, I was planning on taking her to dinner. Oh, don't tell her this but I got concert tickets to see (Favorite Singer/Band)." I explained. "Well, I can tell you that she's gonna have a great time." He said then patted my shoulder. "When's the concert?" He asked. "I'm pretty sure it's the 3rd. The closest place is gonna be is 4 hours away. So I'm planning on leaving tomorrow and just staying at a hotel for the night."

The Next Day

I gently shook (Y/N) awake and she groaned and covered her head. "Come on. Get up woman!" I said still shaking her. "It's too early for that shit!" She said trying to make me stop. "It's only 7:30." I said laughing. She groaned again then threw the blankets on me. "Fine!" She yelled. Then I heard heard her whisper under her breath, "asshole".

"Why are we getting up this early?" She asked. "Because we are going to a (Favorite singer/band) concert!" I said throwing my hands up. She smiled widely and then jumped on top of me. "Ohmygod! That's amazing!! Wait," She paused from her freakout. "Did my dad set this up?" She asked. I shook my head. "Um, no. I set this up because I know your birthday is almost here and I was thinking that that this would be an early birthday present. From me." I explained then smiled.

"Wait when's the concert?" She asked. "It's the third but I booked us a hotel room so we could stay the night." I said poking her nose, for no apparent reason. "But why did we have to get up so early?" She complained. "Because where the concert is located is 4 hours away. So, yeah. If it makes you feel better I'm driving the entire way."

"It actually does make me feel better."
Here's a quick note: I changed the ages a little by one year. So they are 18 and have drivers licenses. Sooooo, I hope that's not a big change for y'all!

Thx for reading this chapter!

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