Chapter 9

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Your POV

My eyes slowly opened and the first thing I saw was a road going by. I lifted my head and I realized that I was in a car. I looked over and I saw Anti driving. "It's about time you woke up." He said smiling. I sat up and yawned. "How long have I been asleep?" I asked while stretching as best as I could. "About an hour." He said with his voice going high pitched. "Wow. How far away are we from the hotel?" I asked closing my eyes. "Hmm," He paused for moment. "About another hour." He said. I nodded then I slowly fell back asleep.

Anti's POV

I looked over and I saw (Y/N) sleeping peacefully. I smiled and I put my focus back on the road. I glanced at my GPS to see if I was going the right way. After about an hour, we finally arrived at the hotel. I gently shook (Y/N) and her eyes fluttered open. She stretched and yawned. "Are we at the hotel?" She asked while yawning. "Yeah. We're here." I said opening my door. I walked to the backseat door and opened it. I grabbed my bag and (Y/N)'s. I shut the door and I went over to her side. She opened the door and stood up. She stretched once more and I handed her the bag. She shut the door and and then started walking. She stumbled a little and then cursed. "Damnit. My foot's asleep."

I laughed at her and she gave me a look and I stopped laughing. "Sorry." I said smiling. "Don't 'sorry' me! Just hurry your ass up." She said continuing to walk. We went inside and I told (Y/N) to wait for a moment. I walked up to the front desk and the lady that was there smiled and asked, "Can I hep you?" Her voice was very high pitched. "Umm yes, I booked a room. It should be under McLoughlin." She smiled and she started typing into the computer. "Is it Antisepticeye?" She asked. "Yes it is." I said smiling. She pulled out a key card and then handed it to me. "Your room is on the 7th floor, Room 219. Enjoy your stay." She said smiling. It was clearly a fake smile.

I motioned for (Y/N) to follow me and she did then we boarded an elevator. We waited for a moment and the doors opened. (Y/N) went first then I followed her. We got to the room door and I unlocked it. (Y/N) went straight in then she set her stuff down then she flopped down on the bed in front of her.

She let out a long sigh. "You okay?" I asked putting my stuff next to hers. "Just tired." I shut the door that was left open and turned back to (Y/N). She looked at me and then she held her arms out. I smiled and then I laid down beside her. "Are you excited?" I asked. She nodded a little. "Yeah. But I have a weird feeling about all of it."
Sorry that the chapter is short

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