Chapter 14

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Your POV

I woke up in my bed the next morning. I got a little confused because I remember falling sleep in Anti's arms. Oh well. I sat up and the first thing i noticed was my hair. It. Was. A mess. I laughed at myself and i went into the bathroom and fixed my hair to where it looked "decent". I went into the kitchen and I looked at the clock that was on the stove and it said 11:24 am. I was too lazy to make breakfast so I just decided to make some cereal. I got a box of (Fav. Cereal) and the milk and just put it in a random bowl that i found. After I put everything away, I heard footsteps. I looked up and I saw Dad pouring himself a cup of coffee. "How long have you been up?" I asked him. "Since 7:00 am." He said.

"Oh. Why?" I asked. He usually never wakes up THAT early. "Shelby called me in the middle of the night. She was having a panic attack and she needed someone to talk to." He explained. "Oh. Okay." I nodded and ate more of my cereal. Once I finished it I set the bowl in the sink. Then I sat down on the couch. I started playing on my phone then I heard a crash. "Damn it!" Dad yelled. "What did you do?" I said standing up and crossing my arms. "I broke a glass cup and cut myself." He said gritting his teeth. Wait, this is actually good! "How in the hell is this good?!" Dad said. I walked over to him and I saw his hand. He had one small, but big, shard in his hand. I almost touched it and he winced. "Oh you big baby I didn't even touch it." I said. I grabbed it and he flinched........which made it worse. "Goddamnit!!" He yelled. "YA DID IT TO YOURSELF!!" I yelled back. By now it was almost out. I grabbed at it again and ripped it out. He growled and I could tell that he was trying not to widen his vocabulary more than it already has.

His hand was bleeding but not to much. I grabbed his hand and his face changed from pain to confusion. "What are you doing?" He asked. "Something." I concentrated really hard and I feel the warm sensation again. Dad looked shocked. After it went away I removed my hand and saw that the cut had faded away. I looked up at my Dad and his face was priceless. "Who the fuck? When the fuck? How the fuck?" He said. "Yeah I know. I found this out last night." I said waving my hand around. "So, you're telling me. That you now have TWO powers?" He asked changing positions. "I guess." I shrugged my shoulders.

Anti's POV

I laid there on my bed with my eyes shut. I wasn't really doing much. I've done practically everything around the house and I'm not really tired. I want to check up on (Y/N) but I don't want to bother her too much. I decided to turn on the TV that I had and just turned on a movie. It was titled 'Interview With a Vampire'. It had just started too. (Y/N) told me about this movie while she was in the hospital. After about 10 minutes into the movie my phone went off. I picked it up and saw that Jack had texted me. Oh yeah, Jack is on a date with his "Markimoo". Weird name I know. Anyway the text he sent said,

Jack: Hey! I think I might've found you a job!

Me: Oh really? Where?

Jack: At the Café Shop just downtown, I got you an application already

Me: And you did this when?

Jack: Just now, anyway! I'm on my way home now. If you leave lock the door and put the extra key under the welcome mat.

Me: Okay, I will

I set my phone down and I stood up and turned off everything. I went downstairs and decided to go to (Y/N)'s house. I grabbed the extra key from the kitchen and went out the door. I shut and locked the door then I remembered, I forgot my phone and shoes. The shoes I don't need but I do need my phone. I sighed and unlocked the door and quickly went back up the stairs and grappled my phone off my bed then went back outside. I locked the door again and put the key under the mat. I proceeded to (Y/N)'s house, barefoot.

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