Chapter 10

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Your POV

I woke and all I heard was gentle sobs of someone next to me. I looked up and Anti was there. I tried to sit up but a sharp pain stopped me. I hissed slightly and Anti tossed his head up and when he saw me he quickly went out the door. I finally took in my surroundings and I realized that I was in the hospital! Anti came back with a female nurse. She looked oddly familiar.

"So you're awake finally. You've been out for 3 months." She said. "And don't worry about school, it ended a week ago. They said you passed so I guess we're both graduates of 2017." Anti explained. "So, throughout all of this, what happened to me?" I asked. "Well, um. You were shot in the chest." Anti said looking down

3 Months Ago
Anti's POV

The concert was better than expected. (Y/N) got a lot of merch and also a T-Shirt. It was night and (Y/N) and I were walking back home. We were telling each other jokes, laughing, and just having fun. We were just fine until I heard something off. (Y/N) looked back at me and then there was a strange figure coming up behind her. "(Y/N) look out!" I yelled out. Then there was a loud bang and (Y/N) froze. The mysterious figure quickly ran away and she collapsed.

Your POV

After Anti got done telling me what happened the nurse had left and when she shut the door, Anti broke down. "It's my fault. I could've stopped that person." He said between sobs. "No you couldn't have. This person did it too quickly for you to notice. It's not your fault." I said taking Antis hand. He looked up at me and he had said "Your eyes are purple, why? How are you happy?" I started to pet his hair. "I'm happy because I'm alive and I still have you." I smiled. He stood up and he leaned closer to me. I grabbed his face and I pulled him in and I kissed him. He backed away then he sat down and laid next to me. We started kissing again and after about 5 minutes we were stopped by my dad. "Hey lovebirds. You're in a hospital not a dark movie theater." We backed away and started laughing.

Dark's POV

"So you're finally awake." I said sitting down next to the bed. "Yeah. My head still hurts but it's getting better." (Y/N) said smiling. She leaned her head on Antisepticeye's shoulder. I looked down at the floor. "So how's (F/N)? Or did y' know." She asked. "Well, um. The second thing." I said looking back at (Y/N). "Sad." Is all she said. "So, any cute nurses today?" I jokingly asked. "Actually yeah. The nurse who came in here earlier. There she is now." (Y/N) said then she called out to a girl who walked by. The nurse walked in with her eyes locked on a clipboard. "Yeah. Is there anything....." She paused when she saw me. We locked eyes and I stood up. I started walking toward her and tears were visible in her eyes. Tears were also threatening to spill out. "Dark?" She said softly with a cracking voice. "Shelby." I said before I broke down. She dropped the clipboard as she hugged me tightly while her sobs were muffled by my shirt. We sunk down into the floor crying into each others shoulders. "I missed you so much. I thought you were dead." I managed to say. She pulled away. "You think to much. Plus, you didn't stay long enough. The doctors saved me. And when they told me that someone took my child, to be honest I went into 'bitch mode' and you know how bad that gets." Shelby explained while laughing through the tears. I laughed with her. Our smiles disappeared and we were about to kiss but we got stopped. "Ahem. Care to explain?" I heard (Y/N) say. "Time to meet your daughter." I whispered towards Shelby.

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