Secret Admirer

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For the First time Since Being Here I wake up in my own bed lol much to my surprise Jarvis snored guess i should have spent more time sleeping in my own room , Ugh that was going to take some getting use to , I get up shower and get dressed since i didnt have a 8 oclock class today i had a little more free time so i decided to drop by Jermaines and Holla at him .

Jermaine: Whats up *opeaning the door*

Ant: Im good what the fuck you been up to ?

Jermaine: Shit same ole same ole , you

Ant: Well between My 8oclocks and Band Im Beat .

Jermaine: Well now you know to manage your time wisley

Although he didnt say it i knew what he was refering to , Me sleeping over at Rj's true it did consume alot of my time but i am grown and i make my own choices , I figured now was the perfect time to ask J about what exactly did he tell my mom.

Ant: I talk to Ma lastnight .

Jermaine: Oh word , what she talking ?

Ant: Just asking how school was and how i was doing , Oh yea she also mentioned Rj .

Jermaine: Word !

Ant: Drop the act boy i know you told her something Nice about him , Why tho im still tryna figure out .

Jermaine: Aint shit to figure out he's a good kid .

Ant: Wow Wow wait a minute just 24 hours ago you hated his guts Now hes a good kid .

Jermaine: Even Tho we had our little beef , that doesnt change the fact that dude a good person , I mean it is what it is if you want to be with him be with him .

Ant: Where Not together .

Jermaine: then Why are sleeping over .

Ant: Why does it matter .

Jermaine: at this point it doesnt , ive done my job as a big cousin and told you to open your eyes a bit wider , Thats all i can do .

Ant: Yea well im about to head to class , ill catch you later .

As I walk to my next class i cant help but wonder what caused the sudden change in J , One Minute hes telling rj cant be trusted and Now hes saying hes a good person , This totaly threw Me for a loop . I make it to class and Luckily I had this Class with tiara . She walked in all sleepy looking and sat next to me .

Ant: Whats up

Tiara: Hey * dry *

Ant: Well look who woke up on the wrong side of the bed

Tiara: Im just tired thats all .

Ant: Well nobody told you too stay up all night on the Phone with Jarvis .

Tiara: Boy Thats My boo thang with his cute self lol .

SHe went on and on about how she was finna hop on Jarvis and make him her man and how they had a date this weekend , SHe went on for about 30 minutes but i just tuned her out and started thinking about How J flipped the script on me earlier. For some reason I felt Like Jermaine Knew something and That Rj wasnt telling Me the Whole Truth and as The Nosey Motherfucker i am I was going to find out , The teacher let us out and Tiara and i headed to Band Practice .

Even Tho I wasnt Feeling My Classes band Made Up For It , I Love to play and perform , Once We got there , i went to my station to get my trombone , When i picked it up a letter fell from it , I picked it up and it had Read me Written on the front . I opeaned it and read it .

Letter : YOU Might Think this is Creepy but Im Really Feeling you And i dont know how to express myself around you i get hella nervous and words dont come out right , From the First time i saw you i knew i had to Have you Sincerely Your Secret Admirer

I closed the Letter and Rushed over to Where Tiara was sitting and showed her the letter she read it in a characterized voice .

tiara: Awwww isnt that sweet

Ant: Borderline Creepy tho ,

Tiara: why , at least you got a man and a side piece lol

Ant: First of He isnt my man , and second i dont think i like the fact that this person is basicaly stalking me .

Tiara: Oh stop being so Dramatic

we rehearsed for about 2 hours and i was tired and ready to go , i rushed over to my station and packed up my things so i can go back to my bed . Then i felt a tap on my shoulder .

Mike: Hey Wassup Ant

Ant: Wassup

Mike: Mr. Hicks would like to have a word with you in his office .

Ant: Really !

Mike: Yea , i think he might have good news

Ant: Hopefully .

I practically ran into Mr. hicks office , he sat there in his chair and looked at me sturn and steady and told me to have a seat . I followed his orders and sat down .

Mr.Hicks: Well i hear good things about you , Mike refered you as the best freshman that has came threw in a while .

Ant: thanks .

MrHicks: Dont thank me Thank Mike , Auditions for Fall Football Season is Monday Be there .

Ant: I will , thanks again .

i get up and Walk out the office , as im leaving out the band room I see Mike standing by the door .

Mike: so how It go .

Ant: It went Great , he told me about auditions for Football season .

Mike: thats great man .

ant: I know thanks to you

Mike: So ummm ummm , what are you , ummmm *stuttering*

Ant: Huh .

Mike: I was trying to see if ummm you ummmm *scratching his head*

I was so tired and I really didnt want to be rude but i was ready to go but Mike was holding me up cause he couldnt just spit it out , Say what he had to say he was tongue tied and it was starting to get irritating , Then It hit me Nervous , Cant get his words out , OH MY GOSH MIKES THE SECRET ADMIRER .

Ant: Look if your done i really have somewhere to be so ill catch you later .

Mike: Cool , ummmm i guess ill catch you later lol

I hurried up and scattered out of there , I mean dont get me wrong Mike was sexy ass fuck but i really havent looked at him in that way , and Plus i already Had a thing going with Rj i didnt know what we had but i knew i like it so i couldnt fathom thinking about Mike .

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