Our Last Little Hurrah

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Kendrick's POV

Its Two Days Since Cameron and I Kinda Sorta came to an agreement to what it was we were doing . We Decided upon just keeping things the way they were . Which I did see his logic in choosing that , Putting a title to us so fresh into it would only destroy it quicker than our first time lol . Today was the First Day Of Midterms and I could barely Focus on My test the only thing i could think about was the talk Cam and I had the other night . I Finished my Test and Headed Back to the Dorm since i was threw for the day and To get a early start on cleaning and Packing since I had so much shit . I was No at a Point Where I was ok with Cam's Stipulations , I mean I didnt Expect him to Wine and Dine Me , I knew that was out of the question , I was Satisfied with the fact that he at least wanted to Be something to me . Even If it wasnt a Boyfriend I atleast Got the late night Conversations the Warmth of his body Next to Mines and the Dick , And Left the Boo thang with Whatever was left to give lol . I walk into the Suite and Cameron Is In the Kitchen Washing Dishes . I walk into my room throw my bookpack into the room and Run into the bathroom and take a Long overdue Piss , after washing my hands , I went into the kitchen and Fixed a bowl of Fruit Loops and sat on the counter and watched him wash dishes . After practically swallowing the Cereal i threw the bowl into the sink causing bubbles and water to splash up on his shirt and bubbles on his forhead , he turned and looked at me with a blank expression , he stook his hand in the Dish water Without taking his eyes off me , he pulled his hand out and flung a hand full of water and bubbles at me , Wettin my pant Leg and Bubbles on my face . I sat there frozen with my mouth open , he simply turned around with a smirk on his face and continued to wash dishes . i got off the counter top and walked over to him quickly stuck my hand in the water and tried to get some bubbles to throw on him , he grabbed my hand and told me Back up , i said not untill i get you back , Chill out Bruh you Playing he said , Naw you wanna throw bubbles ill show you how its done I said , I manage to get my hand free and Quickly smeered the Bubbles on his face , he jerked his head back and pulled his hands out the water covered in bubbles , i took off running into the living room , I ran to the other side of the living room and he was on the otherside of the table I made sure that table was between us , Outta Nowhere he jumps over the table and tackles me to the Floor , Damn He Shocked the Fuck outta Me , I guess i should have guessed that since he Liked Track and Fields . He Sat on top of me as i wiggled to get free , he took his bubble filled Hand and smeered it all around my face , Chanting Take that Nigga Take that . He Sat up and looked at me and said Ummm Hmmm I told you chill out with all that playing didnt I , Fuck you I said back ,I grabbed his collar and twisted it trying to choke him , he stopped laughing and looked at me and licked His lips . I Pulled him Closer to Me by his Collar He got the Point and Started leaning In For a Kiss when we heard the Locks Unlocking , Let me Just tell you If i thought he was a track star for jumping over that table so fast , Then I was wrong This nigga Jumped up so quick and Ran into the Kitchen More Like Teleported All I saw was his feet hitting the back of his head thats how fast he was running .Damn I guess he Really Didnt Wanna get Caught , the Door came Open and it was Jarvis , and Some of his other Friends , I gave them the head nod and He and His Friends went into his room and Closed the door . Its been that Way Every Since that Shit went Down with Tiara and Jermaine , hes Barely here and when he is he comes in walks straight to his room and closes the door . Oh Well If he hadnt talked to us all this time i really didnt see any point in trying to talk to him now . I walked pass the Kitchen and Licked my tongue out at Cam and Went into my room to take a nap . Im Later Awoken to a Movement that i can No Longer Tolerate , I open my eyes and turn around and sit up ready to attack .

Kendrick: Damn What the Fuck you Doing

Cameron: Rubbing My Feet together

Kendrick: Well Can you please stop it , Its annoying

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