Advice from Friends

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I Awaken to the Ringing of My Phone , I Spring up and Look around the Room with Fuzzy in my eyes and Reach down on the ground and grab my pants and get my phone out my pocket, I see its a Call From Tiara . I answer in it with Sleep still in my Throat .

Ant: Hello

Tiara: Eww B***h you sound nasty , What you doing

Ant: Sleep B***h what you think

Tiara: B***h Dont Get Sassy , Anyway We Meeting For Drinks tonight

Ant: You Couldnt Wait to tell me that you had to call at 10 am

Tiara: Well of course i called to get the Tea on Lastnight Cheaters episode

Ant: Bye b***h ! *hangs up*

I hated that about that b***h No matter how serious the situation was she was going to make a joke about it , and Had no shame in calling you and asking what happend , I Finally noticed that Rj wasnt In the Bed i got up stretched and Went into the bathroom and took a good piss , i came out the bathroom and went looking for Rj he wasnt in the kitchen or out on the patio , I checked my phone and Saw he text me that he was headed to the Hospital to get his hand checked out , I text Back

Text to Rj : Do you want me to Come Up there
Text From Rj: No
Text to Rj : you Sure ?
Text from Rj: Positive
Text to Rj : Im Coming Anyway
Text from Rj: Dont Im Good .
text to Rj : Really!
Text from Rj: Yep

I wasnt in the mood to Argue with him , so i put on my clothes and Locked up his place , I know i was wrong for what i did but im trying to make sure hes ok and he has an attitude the least he could do was let me make sure he was ok . After Going home and Showering , I text j to see if i could get some advice from him ,

Jermaine: Yo Im Not Gone even Sugar coat it Lil cuz you F***ked up Big time

Ant: I know , I know I dont know what the f***k i was thinking ,

Jermaine: Me Either , all i know is Rj pissed , I never seen dude get like that over Anybody .

Ant: It was scary

jermaine: true , All I can say is try , if you want to be with him try , thats all you can do right now . Show him your sorry .

Ant: thats gone be pretty Hard ya Know being he want even talk to me

Jermaine: I dont blame him , YOu Cheated On Him Ant its gone take A minute to earn that nigga trust back , you as a dude should no Infidelity is A Deal Breaker .

Ant: I Know I know , I f***ked up , and ill do whatever It takes to Get him Back

Jermaine: Good Luck cause that nigga like a stubborn Mule , My Advice is Try Now while theres still a chance cause once he makes his mind up aint no changing it .

Ant: I will , thanks big cuz , i really appreciate .

Jermaine: No Problem cuz ,

After That talk with Jermaine , i felt Defeated , even tho there was still a window of opportunity to get him back in order to do that i had to talk to him and at this moment Rj isnt Even Returning My Calls or text , In his Defense i understand why he's not answering , I went Back to my Room and Cried some more and Just stared at the Pictures We took At My House For Thanksgiving Break , Before i knew it i was sleep , and It was no time for me to meet up with Tiara And Brittany . By this time i really didnt want to go , i was over the situation and Tired of talking about it and Done Crying , I felt like talking and crying about it wasnt going to get me and Rj back to normal, Even tho going out wit them would take my mind off it for a few minutes .and we were goiing to Hankers and they didnt Check i.d there so We could get as many drinks we wanted and Quit frankly i needed a few .

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